Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The arrest of legal permanent U.S. resident Mahmoud Khalil, 29, by Department of Homeland Security agents for thought crimes is […]
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Iraq Requires More Sacrifice Bush
Iraq requires more sacrifice: Bush Constitution Enacted, According to Electoral High Commission It takes an Aussie newspaper to put the headline so bluntly. As the […]
Ship Of State Springs Leak James
Ship of State Springs a Leak James Ridgeway of the Village Voice recalls the ghost of corrupt vice presidents past in the light of the […]
37 Dead As Palestine Hotel Is Attacked
37 Dead as Palestine Hotel is Attacked A set of 3 powerful bombings in Baghdad, along with other attacks and violence, left 37 dead and […]
Rupert Murdoch And Judith Miller
Rupert Murdoch and Judith Miller The extraordinary exchanges between New York Times editor Bill Keller and reporter Judith Miller over her role in the Plame […]
Wave Of Assassinations Bombings Oil
Wave of Assassinations, Bombings Oil Exports Halted Here’s the headline of The Times of Baghdad [al-Zaman] for Monday, October 24, 2005: Wave of Assassinations in […]
Syria And Fundamentalist Crescent Some
Syria and the Fundamentalist Crescent? Some kind readers have requested that I say something about the report of UN-appointed German diplomat Detlev Mehlis concerning the […]
Galbraith On Iraqi Army Partition
Galbraith on Iraqi Army, Partition Former Ambassador Peter Galbraith wrote in response to a posting of last Thursday, and has kindly agreed to allow me […]
Sistani Supports Conference For
Sistani Supports Conference for National Reconciliation Al-Hakim, Sadr Opposed Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has thrown his weight behind the Arab League initiative for a national […]
Great Iran Crock Blair And Aei Mahan
The Great Iran Crock, Blair and AEI Mahan Abedin demolishes the Blair government’s case for Iran giving bombs to Iran’s enemies in Iraq. By the […]