Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Referendum On Constitution Iraqis Are
Referendum on Constitution The Iraqis are voting Saturday in a referendum on the new constitution. It was again endorsed by Shiite preachers and clerics on […]
Zawahiri Letter To Zarqawi Shiite
Zawahiri Letter to Zarqawi: A Shiite Forgery? The Arabic text of the recently released letter alleged to be by Zawahiri (al-Qaeda’s number two man) to […]
Grand Ayatollahs Urge Yes Vote Sunni
Grand Ayatollahs urge “Yes” Vote Sunni Iraqi Islamic Party attacked Over its acceptance of Constitution Guerrillas managed to launch a few attacks on Wednesday and […]
More Wmd Pie In Sky According To
More WMD Pie in the Sky According to Douglas Jehl of the New York Times, , in a January, 2003 conversation with Tony Blair, George […]
Miller And Neocons My Article On
Miller and the Neocons My article on Judith Miller and the neocons is out in Excerpt: ‘ Miller began to uncritically parrot even some […]
Albin Guest Editorial From Japan Model
Albin Guest Editorial: From a Japan Model to a Decent Interval Roger Albin of the University of Michigan Medical School writes: ‘ Gilbert Achcar gives […]
Iraq Anarchy Grows Constitution Deal
Iraq Anarchy Grows Constitution Deal May attract IIP Veteran British reporter Robert Fisk, according to the Independent, finds much of Iraq to have significantly deteriorated […]
46 Killed In Guerrilla Attacks
46 Killed in Guerrilla Attacks Compromise on Constitution accepted by IIP 46 persons were killed by guerrilla bombings and attacks on Tuesday and dozens wounded. […]
Achcar Guest Editorial Gulliver In
Achcar Guest Editorial: Gulliver in Iraq Gilbert Achcar writes ‘1) Gulliver in Iraq—-for how long? US Ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, best epitomizes the actual […]