Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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21 Killed Around Baghdad Jaafari
21 Killed around Baghdad Jaafari denies Allegations against Iran Guerrilla violence killed 21 persons, including a US soldier, around Baghdad on Thursday. Reuters reports the […]
Guest Editorial Arato On Iraqi
Guest Editorial: Arato on Iraqi Constitution If I Were an Iraqi……. Andrew Arato, New School University ‘ Had I been A French citizen during the […]
Iranian Editorial Iraq Must Heed Al
Iranian Editorial: ‘Iraq must heed Al-Sistani to avoid US “conspiracy”‘ Editorial of Iranian Newspaper Jomhuri-yi Islami, 4 Oct. 05, via BBC World Monitoring for Oct. […]
36 Dead Nearly 100 Wounded In Hilla
36 Dead, Nearly 100 Wounded in Hilla Mosque Attack Cheney: ‘Get Used to It’ A guerrilla detonated his bomb amidst a Shiite mosque in Hilla […]
Parliament Reverses Referendum Rule
Parliament Reverses Referendum Rule The United Nations has succeeded in convincing the Iraqi parliament to reverse itself. The interim constitution provides that if any three […]
5 Us Troops Killed In Sweep Of West
5 US Troops Killed in Sweep of West Sunnis threaten Boycott on new Constitution Five US soldiers have been killed by bombings and a sniper […]
Rosh Hashanah And Ramadan I Wont Get
Rosh Hashanah and Ramadan I won’t get a chance to say this all together again for a while, so L’Shana Tova and Ramadan Mubarak!
Sunni Arabs Enraged At Law On 3
Sunni Arabs Enraged at Law on 3-Province Veto UN Begins Distributing Constitution The Sunni Arabs of Iraq have for some time had a sneaking suspicion […]
Iraq Press Roundup Tom Engelhardt
Iraq Press Roundup Tom Engelhardt writes about “Withdrawal Symptoms”— the increasing urge of Americans to get out of Iraq and the arguments for it. Jesse […]