In early 2023, the most far-right cabinet in Israel’s history launched its war for “judicial reforms” to replace democracy with autocracy. In fall 2023, it […]
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Us Wounds Italian Hostage Kills
US Wounds Italian Hostage, Kills Intelligence Man Guerrillas Kill 4 Marines The US military on Friday fired on the car carrying a just-released Italian journalist […]
Chalabi Seeks Anti American Coalition
Chalabi seeks Anti-American Coalition Kurds Demand Kirkuk Az-Zaman: In a development that many observers considered a surprise, it was announced Friday that Ahmad Chalabi, Shiite […]
Achcar Allawis Offensive Gilbert
Achcar: Allawi’s Offensive Gilbert Achcar writes by email: Allawi’s offensive which I described in my previous email involved a phone talk yesterday with George W. […]
Us Engineered Lebanese Elections Of
US-Engineered Lebanese Elections of 1957 Josh Buermann of Flagrancy to Reason has dug up a printed source for the allegation I reported from a former […]
3 Us Soldiers Killed Baquba Bombed
3 US Soldiers Killed, Baquba Bombed Guerrillas take advantage of Parliamentary Gridlock AFP reports that on Thursday, in addition to the two bombings at the […]
Allawi Gambit Gilbert Achcar Writes In
Allawi Gambit Gilbert Achcar writes in an email: Today’s (3/3) Al-Hayat quotes Allawi’s conditions for any agreement on the government: “to keep the security apparatuses […]
Regime Change Mafia Style Syria 1957
Regime Change, Mafia Style: Syria 1957 Settling scores department: Some bloggers or commentators expressed skepticism about my allegation of US shaping of the Middle East […]
Us Military Deaths Reach 1500 19
US Military Deaths reach 1500; 19 Iraqis Killed Associated Press says that a US Marine killed by guerrillas in Babil province on Wednesday was number […]
Still No Government Allawi Slams
Still no Government Allawi Slams Sistani Negotiations between the religious Shiite coalition, the United Iraqi Alliance, which has 54 percent of seats in the parliament, […]