Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Iran since the presidency of Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021), the ruling elite has debated whether a grand bargain with the […]
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Koufax Awards Koufax Awards Have Been
Koufax Awards The Koufax Awards have been announced. Many, many thanks to readers who voted mine the best “Expert Blog” and made my piece, “If […]
Free Mojtaba And Arash If Blogdex Is
Free Mojtaba and Arash If Blogdex is any indication the campaign to free Mojtaba and Arash is going well. The Iranian government is not immune […]
Jaafari Slams Hilary Stephen Farrell
Jaafari slams Hilary Stephen Farrell reports for the London Times that a minor tiff occurred last week between Senator Hilary Clinton and prime ministerial candidate […]
Chalabi Is Prevailed Upon To Withdraw
Chalabi is Prevailed upon to Withdraw It turns out that the other members of the United Iraqi Alliance prevailed on Ahmad Chalabi to drop his […]
Breaking News Jaafari Pm Candidate For
Breaking News: Jaafari PM Candidate for UIA Well, the United Iraqi Alliance just announced that Ibrahim Jaafari has won out against Ahmad Chalabi. Jaafari’s victory […]
3 Us Troops Dead 8 Wounded 18 Iraqis
3 US Troops Dead, 8 Wounded 18 Iraqis Killed Wire services reported that ‘ Twenty-two people including four US soldiers have died in a series […]
Uia Will Hold Secret Ballot Chalabi
UIA Will Hold Secret Ballot Chalabi, Allawi Still in Running for PM The Shiite religious coalition, the United Iraqi Alliance, will hold a secret ballot […]
Basra Council Dominated By
Basra Council Dominated by Fundamenatlists Ash-Sharq al-Awsat: The results have been announced for Basra province. The city of Basra alone has 1.2 million inhabitants, so […]
Back Channels Us Military Has
Back Channels The US military has established back-channel negotiations with some of the leaders of the Sunni Arab guerrilla war, according to Time magazine. Earlier […]