Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – In Iran since the presidency of Hassan Rouhani (2013-2021), the ruling elite has debated whether a grand bargain with the […]
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Muqtada Elections Will Divide Iraqis
Muqtada: Elections will Divide Iraqis Sistani Rep: Beware of Voter Fraud Ash-Sharq al-Awsat: Shaikh Abd al-Mahdi al-Karbala’i, representative of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Karbala, […]
Al Dhari Explains Sunni Arab Boycott
Al-Dhari Explains Sunni Arab Boycott Hareth al-Dhari spoke out Thursday about the reasons for which his Association of Muslim Scholars urges a boycott of the […]
Shiite List Announced For January
Shiite List Announced for January Elections Sameer Yacoub of AP gives an overview of the unified Shiite list announced Thursday, The United Iraqi Alliance. It […]
Mark Levine Replies To Robert Spencer
Mark LeVine Replies to Robert Spencer Mark LeVine, Middle East historian at UC Irvine, writes AN OPEN REPLY TO ROBERT SPENCER. Dear Mr. Spencer First […]
Rumsfeld Military Irrelevance Of
Rumsfeld, the Military Irrelevance of Fallujah, and Retina Scans Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was called on the carpet at a meeting with troops in […]
King Abdullah Ii And President Yawir
King Abdullah II and President Yawir Worry about Iran and Shiism Robin Wright and Peter Baker of the Washington Post got King Abdullah II to […]
Controversies Over Middle East Studies
Controversies over Middle East Studies at Princeton The Daily Princetonian has a fascinating overview of controversies about Middle East Studies at Princeton University.
Churches Bombed In Mosul Reuters
Churches Bombed in Mosul Reuters reports that guerrillas in Mosul cleared two churches and then blew them up. There were no injuries, but extensive damage […]
Elections Face Logistical Obstacles
Elections face Logistical Obstacles Mohamad Bazzi of Newsday reports that quite aside from major security problems, the January 30 elections could be derailed by poor […]