“No one should be surprised that the Iranian Revolution took a religious form. The fact that God appears on almost every page does not reflect […]
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Dual Loyalties Many Readers Have
Dual Loyalties Many readers have written me to express concern about my safety and/or reputation since I have spoken out frankly on the horrible Likud […]
Italian Hostages Anne Aldridge Writes
Italian Hostages Anne Aldridge writes from Italy: Here for your readers is the site of the Italian pacifist organization whose two volunteers, Simona and Simona, […]
Heavy Fighting In Sadr City Fallujah
Heavy Fighting in Sadr City, Fallujah US Military Deaths Pass 1000 Jeff Gray of The Toronto Globe and Mail reports The U.S. military death toll […]
Cheney Halliburton And Iraq Purloined
Cheney, Halliburton and Iraq: The Purloined Letter Why was Dick Cheney so eager to invade Iraq? Why did he repeatedly link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaeda […]
Sistani Holds Political Meetings In
Sistani Holds Political Meetings in Najaf Guerrilla War Continues in Mosul, Baghdad, Kirkuk Hundreds of residents of Najaf mounted a demonstration on Monday, for the […]
Aipac Spy Case Involves Intelligence
AIPAC Spy Case involves Intelligence on Iranian WMD James Gordon Meek reports that both FBI investigations of leaks from the Pentagon concern in part secret […]
Bombing Near Fallujah Clashes In Najaf
Bombing Near Fallujah, Clashes in Najaf The Iraqi Guerrilla War of 2003-2004 continued apace on Sunday and Monday. Guerrillas detonated an enormous car bomb near […]
Fighting In Tal Afar Latifiyah 1100 Us
Fighting in Tal Afar, Latifiyah1100 US Troops Wounded in August Heavy fighting raged in the northern city of Tal Afar, which lies west of Mosul, […]
National Council Elects 4 Vice
National Council Elects 4 Vice-Chairmen AP reports, ‘ In Baghdad, mortar rounds landed near a convention center where members of Iraq’s 100-member transitional assembly, known […]