Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Mosque Arms Stockpiles Targeted In
Mosque Arms Stockpiles Targeted in Ramadi Alexandra Zavis of AP reports that US troops raided 7 mosques in Ramadi on Tuesday and arrested a leading […]
Sistani Rules That Believers Must
Sistani Rules that Believers Must Register to Vote Barzani threatens to Fight for Kirkuk reports that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has issued a formal […]
3 Us Soldiers Killed 5 Wounded 2
3 US Soldiers Killed, 5 Wounded 2 Iraqis Killed, 27 Wounded wire services report that guerrillas killed at least three US soldiers in separate attacks […]
Cheney Pressured Cia Philip Sherwells
Cheney Pressured CIA Philip Sherwell’s article for the Telegraph about the bad feeling between the Bush administration and the old guard at the CIA has […]
Womens Issues In Iraq Ash Sharq Al
Women’s Issues in Iraq Ash-Sharq al-Awsat reports that Safiya al-Suhail, the shaykha or female tribal leader of the Banu Tamim tribe, has been appointed Iraqi […]
Al Qaeda Baader Meinhoff And Patriot
Al-Qaeda, Baader-Meinhoff and the Patriot Act David K. Moore writes: ” I have to bring something up about the analogy to the Red Army Faction. […]
How Would Cheney Complete War On
How Would Cheney Complete the “War on Terror”? Vice President Dick Cheney today attacked John Kerry. ” Cheney and two other speakers at the rally […]
21 Dead 16 Injured In Car Bombs 2 Us
21 Dead, 16 Injured in Car Bombs 2 US Soldiers announced Killed Associated Press reports that 2 car bombs killed 11 and wounded dozens on […]
Walbridge Bush War On Terror
Walbridge: Bush War on Terror Discounted in Bazaar John Walbridge of Indiana University, who has long experience in the Middle East and Pakistan, writes: ” […]