Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
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Bush Falsehoods About Iraq Adam Entous
Bush Falsehoods about Iraq Adam Entous of Reuters is too polite to put it this way, but the conclusion is easily extracted from his article […]
5 Us Troops At Least 9 Iraqis Dead
5 US Troops, at least 9 Iraqis Dead Violence up 36 Percent in Iraq The incidents of violence on Friday and Saturday in Iraq that […]
Two Faces Of Bush This Graphic Is Part
Two Faces of Bush This graphic is part of a new Democratic Party initiative to focus on the “two-facedness” of George W. Bush, which is […]
Us Assault On Ramadi Rockets In
US Assault on Ramadi Rockets in Baghdad Kill 4 Sadrists, AMS threaten Fresh Uprisings President George W. Bush cited a poll done in June and […]
Of Iron Fists And Oil Sabotage Marine
Of Iron Fists and Oil Sabotage Marine Killed in Anbar Guerrillas in Anbar Province killed a Marine on Thursday. US forces clashed with guerrillas in […]
Violence Allawi Sistani And Elections
Violence, Allawi, Sistani and Elections Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani continues to be concerned as to whether elections will be held in January in Iraq, and […]
Iraq Violence Kills At Least 24 Wounds
Iraq Violence Kills at Least 24, Wounds over 100 Sistani Criticizes Election Plans The guerrilla war and American military assertiveness together wrought havoc in several […]
Cat Stevens Deported I Know That It Is
Cat Stevens Deported I know that it is faintly ridiculous that Cat Stevens a.k.a. Yusuf Islam was deported on Wednesday from the US after the […]
If America Were Iraq What Would It Be
If America were Iraq, What would it be Like? President Bush said Tuesday that the Iraqis are refuting the pessimists and implied that things are […]