Vancouver (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Just about every day, the U.S. president does something that is incompetent, dangerous, or stupid. Often all three. […]
Main Content
Chatham House Iraq From Bad To Worse
Chatham House: Iraq from Bad to Worse Chatham House, formerly the Royal Institute for International Affairs, has issued a highly pessimistic report (in pdf format) […]
Chalabi Survives Assassination Attempt
Chalabi Survives Assassination Attempt Sadr Aide Assassinated Ahmad Chalabi’s convoy came under fire as he was returning to Baghdad from Najaf. Two of his bodyguards […]
Spy Scandals Roots Are Deep Jim Lobe
Spy Scandal’s Roots are Deep Jim Lobe argues that the FBI investigation that caught up Pentagon Iran expert Lawrence Franklin is much wider than initially […]
Charles Smith On Bush And Sharon Guest
Charles Smith on Bush and Sharon Guest Editorial By Charles Smith: “Bait and Switch: Ariel Sharon, the Bush Administration, and the West Bank” Much attention […]
Us Warplanes Hit Samarra Kirkuk
US Warplanes Hit Samarra Kirkuk Official Assassinated Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that US war planes bombed two civilian vehicles in Samarra on Tuesday, killing two women […]
Harold Rhode And Bernard Lewis Classic
Harold Rhode and Bernard Lewis The classic expose of Pentagon operator Harold Rhode was written by Bob Dreyfuss and Jason Vest last January, and aptly […]
Franklin Met With Naor Gilon Israeli
Franklin Met with Naor Gilon The Israeli foreign ministry has confirmed that Lawrence Franklin, the Pentagon’s top Iran desk officer, met repeatedly in Washington with […]
Republican Convention We Did Not Seek
Republican Convention “We did not seek this War” The Republican National Convention in New York was All 9/11 All the Time. As one would expect, […]
Muqtada Plans Political Party Ap
Muqtada Plans Political Party AP reports that the young Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr has called on his followers to cease fighting American and Coaltion troops […]