Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Ashraf al-Hur reports at al-Quds al-`Arabi [Arab Jerusalem] that the extremist government in Israel has escalated its military attacks on […]
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Airstrike On Fallujah Leaves 14 Dead
Airstrike on Fallujah Leaves 14 Dead Bombing in Tikrit, Kidnappings in Kirkuk AP reports that 14 died and 7 were wounded in an American airstrike […]
15 Killed Including Us Soldier Dozens
15 Killed, including a US Soldier; Dozens Wounded Minister of Justice Narrowly Escapes Guerrillas attempted but failed to assassinate the Iraqi Minister of Justice, Malik […]
Mahdi Army Evicted In Diwaniyah
Mahdi Army Evicted in Diwaniyah Sistani Reassures Kurds Iraqi National Guards evicted Mahdi Army fighters from a building that they had occupied in Diwaniyah on […]
Haug Interview With Cole Rob Haugs
Haug Interview with Cole Rob Haug’s interview of me for the University of Michigan publication, Michigan Today, is now on the Web.
Allawi Accused Of Murdering Prisoners
Allawi Accused of Murdering Prisoners Paul McGeough, Chief Sydney Morning Herald Correspondent, in Baghdad reports that eyewitnesses are saying Iyad Allawi personally executed several prisoners […]
32 Killed In Separate Incidents Dozens
32 Killed in Separate Incidents, Dozens Wounded Foreign Ministry Security Chief Assassinated Wire services report that 32 Iraqis died in violence on Thursday. Guerrillas assassinated […]
Iraqi Boys Sodomized At Abu Ghuraib
Iraqi Boys Sodomized at Abu Ghuraib: Hersh Sy Hersh, the journalist who broke the Abu Ghuraib prison torture scandal, told an American Civil Liberties Union […]
Some 22 Killed Dozens Wounded In
Some 22 Killed, Dozens Wounded in Bloody Day in Iraq
How Clean Has Blair Come Although John
How Clean has Blair Come? Although John Edwards argued Wednesday that President Bush had not taken responsibility for the intelligence failures about Iraqi weapons of […]