Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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3 Us Troops Killed 4 Wounded
3 US Troops Killed, 4 Wounded Guerrillas near Samarra detonated a roadside bomb as a US convoy passed on Sunday, killing two US soldiers and […]
Demonstrations Over Saddam In Baqubah
Demonstrations over Saddam in Baqubah, Baghdad Al-Hayat reports that hundreds of Iraqis demonstrated in the eastern city of Baqubah on Sunday in favor of Saddam […]
Shiites And Us Army In Karbala And
Shiites and the US Army in Karbala and Sadr City Ken Dilanian of Knight Ridder has a piece on how the 37th Armored Regiment’s 1st […]
Al Haeri Breaks With Sadr Informed
Al-Haeri Breaks with Sadr An informed reader writes from London: Sayyid Muqtada Al-Sadr has now been officially renounced by Ayatullah Kadhim Al-Haeri. He has been […]
4 Marines 5 Iraqis Killed Guerrillas
4 Marines, 5 Iraqis Killed Guerrillas operating near Fallujah killed four Marines on Saturday. AFP reports other incidents: US Marines in Ramadi engaged in a […]
Iraqi Economy Limping Along Because Of
Iraqi Economy Limping Along Because of Poor Security The Financial Times has a suggestive story on the Iraqi economy and its continued woes. One conclusion […]
Anti Occupation Forces Reject National
Anti-Occupation Forces Reject National Congress A National Congress of 1,000 notables will be held for 3 days later in July. It will elect an advisory […]
Iraqi Women Being Dragged Backwards
Iraqi Women Being Dragged Backwards Trudy Rubin of the Philadelphia Inquirer brings back grim news about the situation of women from her recent trip to […]
Feith Cell Under Attack From Senate
Feith Cell Under Attack from Senate The Telegraph points out that the annex to the Senate Intelligence report on failures leading to the Iraq war […]