Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Bush Says Edwards Lacks Experience
Bush says Edwards lacks Experience George W. Bush alleged Thursday that John Edwards lacks the experience necessary to be president. The problem with this argument […]
7 Killed Including 4 Marines Mortars
7 Killed, including 4 Marines; Mortars land near Allawi’s INA Offices Wire services report that 7 persons were killed in separate incidents in Iraq on […]
Shin Bet At Abu Ghuraib Respected
Shin Bet at Abu Ghuraib The respected journal of military affairs, Jane’s, is reporting that Israeli Shin Bet interrogators were used by the Americans at […]
Veterans Protest War As Dishonest In
Veterans Protest War as Dishonest In a move reminiscent of the Vietnam era, some returning Iraq veterans are condemning the Iraq war as basically dishonest. […]
Car Bomb In Khalis Kills 13 3 Marines
Car Bomb in Khalis kills 13; 3 Marines Die in al-Anbar On Tuesday, Australian Broadcasting says that guerrillas drove a car bomb into the midst […]
Tomdispatch Way We Were Veteran
Tomdispatch: The Way we Were Veteran journalist Tom Engelhardt considers the impact of the past three years on the position of the US in the […]
Mylroie As Bush Rasputine Peter Bergen
Mylroie as Bush Rasputine Peter Bergen, veteran journalist and al-Qaeda expert, raises the question of whether the bizarre and crackpot theories of Laurie Mylroie have […]
Iraqi Parties Radio Free Europeradio
Iraqi Parties Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty has worked up a basic guide to Iraqi political parties. It has a Part One and a Part Two. […]
John Edwards And Iraq War Now That
John Edwards and the Iraq War Now that John Kerry has chosen John Edwards as his running mate, I looked around for some Edwards quotes […]