Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Basil Maghribi at the Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Energy and Infrastructure Minister Eli Cohen ordered late Sunday that […]
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New Improved Iraq My Essay About So
The New Improved Iraq My essay about the so-called transfer of sovereignty in Iraq is now available online at In These Times. An excerpt: The […]
Rashid Khalidis Talk At Ucla
Rashid Khalidi’s talk at UCLA, “Government Attacks on Area Specialists Called Disservice to U.S. Middle East Policy,” is absolutely essential reading. Khalidi covers the group-think […]
3 Us Marines Killed 2 Injured 2 Police
3 US Marines Killed, 2 Injured; 2 Police Officers Killed in Continued Iraq Violence on Tuesday The Associated Press reports: Guerrillas killed three U.S. Marines […]
Us Soldier Kept Hostage By Guerrillas
US Soldier Kept Hostage by Guerrillas is Killed The killing of Spc. Keith Matthew Maupin by guerrillas in Iraq marks the potential beginning of a […]
Bremer Flees Iraq Two Days Early Paul
Bremer Flees Iraq Two Days Early Paul Bremer suddenly left Iraq on Monday, having “transferred sovereignty” to the caretaker Iraqi government two days early. It […]
Fallujah Nir Rosens Brave And
Fallujah Nir Rosen’s brave and essential reporting from Fallujah in the New Yorker is a must read. A taste: ‘ A young boy from Najaf […]
10 Killed In Iraq Including Us Soldier
10 Killed in Iraq, including a US Soldier; One Marine Held Hostage A US Marine was taken hostage in Iraq on June 21, and the […]
Fahrenheit 911 I Saw Michael Moores
Fahrenheit 9/11 I saw Michael Moore’s new film in Ann Arbor at the midnight show last Thursday, thinking I might say something about it over […]
2 Billion Unaccounted For In Cpa
$2 Billion Unaccounted for In CPA Handling of Iraq Finances The BBC reports that of nearly $20 billion in Iraqi money that the Coalition Provisional […]