Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The arrest of legal permanent U.S. resident Mahmoud Khalil, 29, by Department of Homeland Security agents for thought crimes is […]
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Mahdi Army Takes Police Station In
Mahdi Army Takes Police Station in Najaf Fighting continued in Najaf on Thursday, though US troops stayed out of it and let the Najaf police […]
Chirac Politely Takes On Bush Afp
Chirac Politely takes on Bush AFP reports that on a number of occasions French president Jacques Chirac exhibited independence from the Bush agenda. He wore […]
Violence In Iraq Insurgents Killed 12
Violence in Iraq Insurgents killed 12 Iraqi soldiers of the Fallujah Brigade in Fallujah on Wednesday. This is the first time that insurgents targeted the […]
Kurdish Anger Rising Update Although
Kurdish Anger Rising Update: Although the New York Times alleged Thursday morning that Prime Minister Iyad Allawi had tried to defuse the crisis with the […]
Political Obituary For Neocons Paul
Political Obituary for the Neocons Paul Richter of the Los Angeles Times has done another political obituary of the neoconservative movement, which has fallen on […]
Torturegate Sources Wall Street
Torturegate Sources The Wall Street Journal story that set off the furor about White House counsels advising Bush that he could torture people if he […]
Torturegate G8 And Greater Middle East
Torturegate, G8, and the Greater Middle East The Wall Street Journal’s revelation of White House counsels’ memoranda permitting what most people would consider torture– on […]
Un Resolution Passes Unanimously
UN Resolution Passes Unanimously Sistani the Big Winner; Kurds Furious The United Nations Security Council on Tuesday unanimously approved a new resolution on Iraq granting […]
16 Killed 144 Wounded In Iraq Violence
16 Killed, 144 Wounded in Iraq Violence az-Zaman estimates that 16 persons died in bombings and attacks on Tuesday, and 144 were wounded. Among the […]