Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Najaf Crisis And International
Najaf Crisis and International Implications Iran: US Will Pay a ‘Heavy Price’ Iran warned the American government that it would “pay a heavy price” if […]
Rantisi And Najaf Sunday Herald
Rantisi and Najaf The Sunday Herald correctly points out that the Israeli murder of Abdul Aziz Rantisi, the head of the political wing of the […]
Story Of Arrest Warrant For Muqtada
Story of the Arrest Warrant for Muqtada More on the back story of the warrant for Muqtada’s arrest. ‘ According to the brief, Juhy has […]
Clashes Outside Kufa Situation Tense In
Clashes outside Kufa; Situation Tense in Shrine Cities ash-Sharq al-Awsat: A series of explosions shook the city of Kufa on Friday, and eyewitnesses saw dozens […]
Muqtadas Friday Sermon Marines Should
Muqtada’s Friday Sermon: Marines should Surrender Muqtada al-Sadr announced in his Friday prayers sermon at Kufa on Friday that “truce negotiations [with the American forces] […]
Clergy Of Najaf To Mahdi Army Go Fight
Clergy of Najaf to Mahdi Army: Go fight outside the City ash-Sharq al-Awsat: The clerics of the Najaf seminaries have called upon the Army of […]
Mortar Shells Kill 8 In Mosul Things
Mortar Shells Kill 8 in Mosul Things are so bad in Iraq, and so many people have been killed lately, that what would once have […]
Negotiations Over Muqtada Al Sadr Al
Negotiations over Muqtada al-Sadr al-Hayat: The Iranian delegation to Najaf is continuing its attempts to calm the situation, despite the assassination in Baghdad of the […]
Bluster And Begging Duality Of Us
Bluster and Begging: The Duality of US Foreign Policy in the Middle East The Bush administration requested Syria’s participation in “calming the situation” in Iraq. […]