Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Our Oil Is Sweet But They Let
Our Oil is Sweet, but They Let the Terrorists Kill Us Newsday reports that 9 more Iraqi civilians were killed in attacks throughout Iraq on […]
Iraq One Year Later Welcome To Quagmire
Iraq One Year Later: Welcome to the Quagmire My essay “Welcome to the Quagmire” is at today.
Attention Readers Of Soldiers Of
Attention: Readers of Soldiers of Fortune Magazine Walter Pincus writes for the Washington Post about a new contract being let by the US government for […]
Zawahiri Cornered I Know That Mass
Zawahiri Cornered? I know that the mass media is concentrating on the firefight in Waziristan, where the Pakistani army has pinned down some 400 fighters, […]
Rosen Furious Survivors Attacked
Rosen: “Furious Survivors Attacked Cameramen” Nir Rosen, intrepid Baghdad-based reporter has thoughtful reflections in the Asia Times on the huge car bombing of the Mount […]
Moroccan Radical Cell Suspected In
Moroccan Radical Cell suspected in Madrid Bombing ash-Sharq al-Awsat: The Madrid bombings shed new light on persons wanted before, on suspicion of being involved in […]
Bombings In Baghdad And Basra
Bombings in Baghdad and Basra The Washington Post reports Thursday, in the wake of the huge car bomb in Karrada, Baghdad, on Wednesday that demolished […]
Kurdish Demonstrations In Irbil On
Kurdish Demonstrations in Irbil on Behalf of Kurds of Syria Reuters reports that some 5000 Kurds demonstrated in the northern Iraqi city of Irbil, waving […]
New Government Will Not Be Expansion Of
New Government will not be “Expansion” of Governing Council The Iraqi newspaper az-Zaman managed to get an interview with an unnamed Coalition Provisional Authority official […]