Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Israeli newspaper Arab 48 reports that Israeli airstrikes shattered the supposed ceasefire in Gaza on Tuesday, dropping heaving munitions […]
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Clarke I Thought Rumsfeld Was Joking
Clarke: I thought Rumsfeld was joking about Bombing Iraq! Long-time anti-terrorism official Richard Clarke, who served the US government for 30 years, has broken his […]
Pakistans Support For Taliban In 1990s
Pakistan’s Support for Taliban in 1990s: New Documents The National Security Archives has just published part 3 of the Taliban papers, from the US archives. […]
Thousands Of Shiites Sunnis March
Thousands of Shiites, Sunnis, March Against US in Baghdad Thousands of Shiites and Sunnis demonstrated in Baghdad after Friday prayers. I caught some of the […]
Garner On Reasons For Delay In
Garner on Reasons for Delay in Returning Sovereignty to Iraq I can remember in April of 2003 when I complained on an email list about […]
Can Iraq Embrace Democracy Paul
Can Iraq Embrace Democracy? Paul McGeough of the Australian newspaper, The Age wonders thoughtfully whether the US attempt to impose democracy on Iraq will succeed. […]
Womens Classes At Shiite Mosques Shiite
Women’s classes at Shiite Mosques Shiite women in Iraq are attending lessons in mosques, according to Ashraf Khalil, writing in Women’s eNews. Khalil does not […]
Most Of Them Are People Who Come From
Most of them are People who Come from the Area and have certain Sympathies . . . Barbara Ferguson reports that ‘ Major Jewish organizations […]
Our Oil Is Sweet But They Let
Our Oil is Sweet, but They Let the Terrorists Kill Us Newsday reports that 9 more Iraqi civilians were killed in attacks throughout Iraq on […]
Iraq One Year Later Welcome To Quagmire
Iraq One Year Later: Welcome to the Quagmire My essay “Welcome to the Quagmire” is at today.