Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trump administration began bombing Yemen last weekend, when the US Air Force launched 47 air raids on at least […]
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Red Herrings On Discount At Washington
Red Herrings on Discount at Washington Post Poor Dana Priest at the Washington Post caught the frankly shitty assignment of summarizing Undersecretary of Defense for […]
Eta Or Al Qaeda Madrid Bombings
ETA or al-Qaeda? Madrid Bombing’s Significance Unknown As Steve Komarow argues, the full implications of the sanguinary bombings in Spain on Thursday depend on who […]
Sistani Doesnt Want Brahimi To Come
Sistani doesn’t Want Brahimi to Come Back al-Hayat newspaper maintains that it was told by a high Frendh official that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani opposes […]
Us Intelligence Follies Why Havent
US Intelligence Follies: Why Haven’t Cheney, Feith and Chalabi been Impeached? While everyone is beating up on John Kerry for letting it slip he thinks […]
Sistani Warns Of His Own Assassination
Sistani warns of his own Assassination, Civil War al-Hayat: Muhammad Bahr al-Ulum, March’s president-for-a-month of the Interim Governing Council, revealed in a news conference on […]
Wave Of Kidnappings Continues In
Wave of Kidnappings Continues in Baghdad Jack Fairweather of the Independent reports that the wave of kidnappings that has racked Baghdad continues, at an average […]
More On Interim Constitution Roger
More on Interim Constitution Roger Myerson, a professor of economics at the University of Chicago, shared with me the following on the Interim Constitution, and […]
1 Us Soldier Killed 1 Wounded Spanish
1 US Soldier killed, 1 Wounded; Spanish Base Shelled Wire services say that one US soldier was killed and another wounded Tuesday in a roadside […]
Sistani No Demonstrations Over Interim
Sistani: No Demonstrations Over Interim Constitution az-Zaman: Ibrahim Jaafari, leader of the al-Da`wa al-Islamiyah Party in Iraq, who is close to Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani, […]