Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Bush Contradicted Again President Bush
Bush Contradicted Again President Bush keeps saying that everyone thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction before the Iraq war, implying that if he was […]
Armed Militias Of Sciri Dawa Patrol
Armed Militias of SCIRI, Da`wa Patrol Samawah AFP via az-Zaman: Security is being provided to the southern Shiite city of Samawah, pop. 350,000, by the […]
Laissez Faire Kaput Reuters Confirms
Laissez Faire Kaput Reuters confirms earlier reports that Tom Foley, the Coalition Provisional Authority official in charge of economic policy, has given up on a […]
Karbala Affairs Az Zaman Reports That
Karbala Affairs az-Zaman reports that a CPA official* has forced the resignation of the governor and deputy govenor of Karbala province along with several members […]
Bremer Left Brass Out Of Loop On Iraqi
Bremer left Brass out of Loop on Iraqi Army Dissolution AFP reports that Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Peter Pace says […]
Women Demonstrate Demanding Equal
Women Demonstrate Demanding Equal Rights Small groups of women demonstrated in cities all over Iraq on Wednesday, demanding that equal rights for them be specified […]
Japan Invites Samawah Chieftains To
Japan invites Samawah Chieftains to Tokyo The tribal chieftains of the Samawah region have been invited to Tokyo in April for consultations about the best […]
Sistani Opposes Appointed Transitional
Sistani opposes Appointed Transitional Government The Jordan Times reported on the various plans being put forward for the July1 US hand-off to a sovereign Iraqi […]
Arab Americans And Bush I Was Glad To
Arab-Americans and Bush I was glad to see Jack Shafer at Slate take on the awful NYT report about “Arab-Americans” giving big donations to Bush. […]