Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
Main Content
Guerrilla War Continues In Iraq London
Guerrilla War continues in Iraq The London Times reports that another 48 were killed and dozens wounded in a bombing of a police recruitment center […]
Unemployed Plan Protests Al Zaman
Unemployed plan Protests Al-Zaman reports that the Union of Unemployed Workers has decided to begin its demonstrations outside the headquarters of the Coalition Provisional Authority […]
Iraq To Participate In Conference Of
Iraq to Participate in “Conference of the Neighbors” Interim Iraqi foreign minister Hoshyar Zebari told the Kuwaiti daily al-Qabas Wednesday that Iraq will for the […]
Safire Gets It Wrong Zarqawi William
Safire gets it wrong: Zarqawi William Safire’s piece, ‘Finally, a smoking gun,’ provoked a lot of dissent among my readers, who asked me to say […]
Americana In Arabic Translation Project
Americana in Arabic: Translation Project I was talking yesterday about the tragedy that American culture is so little known (except through bad television shows) in […]
Tens Of Thousands Of Pilgrims Flock To
Tens of Thousands of Pilgrims Flock to Najaf, Support Sistani Wire services report that tens of thousands of Shiites thronged to the holy city of […]
Sistani In Secure Location Annan
Sistani in a Secure Location; Annan worries about Partition of Iraq az-Zaman and Deutsche Press Agentur report that UN Secretary General gave a speech Tuesday […]
57 Killed In Separate Incidents Iraqi
57 Killed in Separate Incidents; Iraqi Police Targeted Wire services report that: About 57 people were killed yesterday in separate incidents in Iraq. A powerful […]
Basras Security Endangered By Drug
Basra’s Security Endangered by Drug Smugglers, Terrorists Az-Zaman conducted an interview with the Iraqi police chief in Basra about security there. He said the city’s […]