Review of Peter Schwartzstein, The Heat and the Fury: On the Frontlines of Climate Violence (London: Footnote Press, 2024). Munich, Germany (Special to Informed Comment; […]
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Provincial Election In Iraq According
Provincial Election in Iraq According to az-Zaman, the 40-person provincial council of the province of Salahuddin has elected a new governor, Falah Hasan Mustafa al-Naqib. […]
Bush Appointeee Silberman Has History
Bush appointeee Silberman has History of Scandal The Guardian complains today about Bush appointing Laurence Silberman to head up the commission looking into intelligence failures […]
One Us Soldier Killed 5 Wounded On
One US Soldier killed, 5 Wounded on Sunday; Iraqi police Major among Insurgents AP reports that a roadside bomb exploded in a median in a […]
Chalabi Meets With Sistani Un Can Be
Chalabi meets with Sistani: “UN can be Convinced” Ahmad Chalabi, a secular Shiite member of the Interim Governing Council, met for 90 minutes with Grand […]
Militias And Terrorism Terrorism And
Militias and Terrorism; Terrorism and Militias The news from Iraq in the New York Times focuses Monday on terrorism and militias. Edward Wong of the […]
Bush On Meet Press Bush I Expected To
Bush on MEET THE PRESS BUSH: I expected to find the weapons. Sitting behind this desk, making a very difficult decision of war and peace, […]
Candidates Discussed For 3 Man
Candidates Discussed for 3-Man Presidency Al-Qabas (Kuwait) reports that Iraqi sources close to the Interim Governing Council say that the IGC is now negotiating with […]
2 Us Soldiers Wounded Friday In
2 US Soldiers wounded Friday in Roadside Bombing AP says, “A roadside bomb exploded in Baghdad on Friday, wounding two U.S. soldiers. The explosion that […]
Imminent Threat And We Know Where They
‘Imminent Threat’ and ‘We know where they are’ becomes “Intent” (Cheney) I am so naive that I still read items like this with my jaw […]