Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – The efforts to discredit and suppress the film No Other Land are part and parcel of a […]
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Senior Us Officials Knew In May There
Senior US Officials Knew in May there was no WMD in Iraq The Observer reports that “US military survey teams sent to visit suspected sites […]
Rieff On Iraqi Shiites David Rieffs
Rieff on Iraqi Shiites David Rieff”s excellent firsthand report from Iraq on the Shiite movements there in the New York Times magazine is now available […]
Dutch Embassy Destroyed By Rocket 4
Dutch Embassy Destroyed by Rocket; 4 Policemen gunned down in Mosul According to wire services, Baghdad was shaken by several explosions late Friday night, including […]
Debate Begins On Constitutional
Debate Begins on Constitutional Provisions in Iraq Alissa Rubin of the Los Angeles Times has a fine piece today discussing debates in Iraq over the […]
Mi6 To Be Called Before Parliament On
MI6 to be Called before Parliament on Weapons Estimates The London Times reports that “Sir Richard Dearlove, the head of MI6, will appear before the […]
Islamic Party Neither Us Nor Igc Suited
The Islamic Party: Neither US nor IGC Suited to Organizing General Elections Az-Zaman reports that the Iraqi Islamic Party (the Iraqi branch of the Sunni […]
Demonstrations In Halbaniya Hundreds
Demonstrations in Halbaniya Hundreds demonstrated peacefully in the Sunni Arab town of Halbaniya on Friday against US tactics, and against the curfew imposed on the […]
Who Is Hasan Ghul Kurdish Peshmergas
Who is Hasan Ghul? The Kurdish peshmergas apprehended an Egyptian member of al-Qaeda trying to sneak into Iraq recently, and the US hailed the capture […]
Is Kerrys Inconsistency On Iraq
Is Kerry’s Inconsistency on Iraq a Liability? Mother Jones,, rather unaccountably relying on Max Boot, raises the question of whether Kerry’s changing Iraq position will […]