Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Shiite Preachers Throughout Iraq
Shiite Preachers throughout Iraq support Sistani, Slam US Plans as “Colonialism.” al-Hayat reported that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani’s representative in Karbala, Shaikh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i, […]
Democratic Candidates In Iowa Differ On
Democratic Candidates in Iowa Differ on Iraq, and it Probably Doesn’t Matter I think the Iraq War as an issue has probably been overblown as […]
Paul Oneill Controversy Smith On Iraq
The Paul O’Neill Controversy: Smith on the Iraq War Planning and the PNAC The allegation by Paul O’Neill that Bush wanted people to get him […]
Nathan Brown On Trial Of Saddam Nathan
Nathan Brown on the Trial of Saddam Nathan Brown, an eminent political scientist at George Washington University, shared with me the following with regard to […]
Cole On Lehrer 116 Some Readers Have
Cole on Lehrer 1/16 Some readers have kindly asked me to let them know about these things in advance. I’ll be on Jim Lehrer’s show […]
Us Hq In Kirkuk Comes Under Fire
US HQ in Kirkuk comes under Fire; Civilians killed by bomb near Tikrit al-Hayat: Guerrillas launched an RPG attack in Karbala, with no casualties reported. […]
30000 Shiites March In Basra Demanding
30,000 Shiites march in Basra demanding Free and Fair Elections British troops estimated that 30,000 Shiites demonstrated in Basra on Thursday, with massive crowds beginning […]
One Us Soldier Wounded Several Kbr
One US Soldier Wounded, Several KBR Employees Killed, Samarra Guerrillas killed AP reported a flurry of attacks on US forces on late Tuesday into Wednesday, […]
Dean Calls Clark Republican
Dean Calls Clark a “Republican.” As Wesley Clark increases his poll numbers despite not running in Iowa, Howard Dean has attacked his credentials as a […]