Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
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Situation In Basra David Patel Kindly
Situation in Basra David Patel kindly writes from Basra with more information about the situation there, some of it contradicting the report in ash-Sharq al-Awsat […]
Higher 2 Day Casualty Totals I Had
Higher 2-day Casualty Totals I had written on Friday, “(More troops have been killed on a single day in the past, but 44 killed-and-wounded must […]
Cheney Coup Detat And Death Of Crassus
A Cheney Coup D’Etat? And the Death of Crassus in Iraq I knew that Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, and Douglas Feith, Undersecretary of […]
British Kill 6 Injure 11 In Amarah
British Kill 6, Injure 11 in Amarah Unemployment Riots Crowds gathered in Amara Saturday to protest continued joblessness and also to indicate their displeasure with […]
Kurds Win On Loose Federalism In Igcs
Kurds win on Loose Federalism in IGC’s Fundamental Law Kurdish Interim Governing Council member Dara Nour Eddine announced that the IGC had agreed to put […]
Bombing Wounds 37 Kills 5 At Shiite
Bombing Wounds 37, Kills 5 at Shiite Mosque in Baqubah The WP reports that on Friday in the eastern city of Baqubah, guerrillas detonated a […]
Al Hakim Igc Will Invite Un Election
al-Hakim: IGC will Invite UN Election Commission to Iraq Abdul Aziz al-Hakim met Thursday with Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Najaf, and afterwards announced that […]
Igc Will Implement Islamic Law In
IGC Will Implement Islamic Law in Personal Status Earlier this year, the Interim Governing Council abolished secularism. This is an item I hadn’t come across […]
9 Us Soldiers Killed In Helicopter
9 US Soldiers Killed in Helicopter Downing AP reports that the Blackhawk helicopter downed on Thursday near Fallujah was hit by a rocket. It was […]