Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Abdul Aziz Al Hakim Recognizes Justice
Abdul Aziz al-Hakim Recognizes Justice of Reparations to Iran Reuters reports that Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, the current president of the Interim Governing Council, has admitted […]
Convalescence For Iraqi Psyche Needed
Convalescence for the Iraqi Psyche Needed: Sunni-Shiite Clashes in Wake of Saddam Capture Maureen Fan of Knight-Ridder observes that the capture of Saddam by the […]
Several Us Troops Wounded In Mosul And
Several US Troops Wounded in Mosul and near Kirkuk; Assassination and a Bomb in Baghdad AFP reports that 3 US soldiers were wounded in separate […]
Trials Of Trying Saddam Veteran Middle
The Trials of Trying Saddam Veteran Middle East journalist Helena Cobban reflects on a host of issues presented by the task of trying Saddam Hussein.
Economic Revival In Basra Accompanied
Economic Revival in Basra accompanied by Crime Wave Alisha Ryu argues in a report for the Voice of America that the southern city of Basra’s […]
Is Capture Of Saddam Bad News For Bush
Is the Capture of Saddam Bad News for Bush? William Pfaff argues in the International Herald Tribune that there are lots of reasons that Saddam’s […]
Student Chants In Mosul For Those
Student Chants in Mosul For those interested in crowd behavior, I note from al-Hayat the chants of student protesters in Mosul below. They are really […]
College Professors In Mosul Strike
College Professors in Mosul Strike The professors at Mosul University announced a general strike on Tuesday, demanding an increase in pay. They were protesting that […]
3 Us Soldiers Wounded 1 Iraqi Policeman
3 US Soldiers Wounded, 1 Iraqi Policeman Killed and 1 Wounded; 7 Protesters Killed; Demonstrations and Counter-Demonstrations Throughout Iraq Guerrillas set off a roadside bomb […]