Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Police Station Attack In Ramadi Wounds
Police Station attack in Ramadi wounds 6; US vehicle blown up in Baghdad Guerrillas attacked a police station in the western (Sunni Arab) town of […]
Census Plan Bypasses Igc Iraqi Census
Census Plan bypasses IGC The Iraqi Census Bureau made up a plan that would have allowed a census to be completed by September 1, but […]
Revived Al Jihad Al Islami In Egypt Al
Revived al-Jihad al-Islami in Egypt Al-Sharq al-Awsat reports that Egypt has arrested 27 members of a new splinter group from al-Jihad al-Islami, the militant Islamist […]
Israeli Intelligence Failures
Israeli Intelligence Failures Contributed to Iraq War Fever Respected Israeli security thinker Shlomo Brom argues in the current Strategic Assessment that Mossad fell down on […]
Larry Kaplow Of Atlanta Journal
Larry Kaplow of the Atlanta Journal Constitution reports that clerical followers of Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani are beginning to threaten direct political action if his […]
Us Soldier Killed In Samarra Guerrillas
US Soldier Killed in Samarra Guerrillas used a roadside bomb to attack a 4th Infantry Division convoy in Samarra’, killing one US soldier on Monday.
Oxford Research Center Iraq Opinion
Oxford Research Center Iraq Opinion Poll Helena Cobban summarizes briefly the Oxford Research Center’s recent opinion poll in Iraq. She highlights the finding that what […]
Brookings Institute Conference On Iraq
Brookings Institute Conference on Iraq Last April the American Enterprise Institute hosted a triumphal conference to toast victory in the Iraq War, which had been […]
Blanford Shiite Challenge See Fine
Blanford: A Shiite Challenge See the fine analysis by Nicholas Blanford in the Christian Science Monitor of the showdown between Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani on […]