Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
Main Content
Us Ignorance Created Quagmire In
US Ignorance Created the Quagmire in Fallujah Journalist Hazim al-Amin reports in al-Hayat that Fallujah and Ramadi strike him as almost identical in most ways. […]
Us Clashes With Pkk In Iraq Turks
US Clashes with PKK in Iraq; Turks Complain of Lack of Influence Turkish Chief of Staff Hilmi Ozkok has complained that the US is showing […]
Israel Connections To Iraq Occupation
Israel Connections to the Iraq Occupation Delinda Hanley charges that there is a strong Israeli connection to US plans for Iraq, citing three developments. One […]
Muqtadas Softer Side More Extended
Muqtada’s Softer Side A more extended analysis of Muqtada al-Sadr’s recent softening toward the US presence and his turn to playing ordinary politics instead of […]
Klein Not Just Troops Out Now But
Klein: Not Just “Troops Out Now” but “Contractors Out Now” Journalist Naomi Klein says, “It’s too late to stop the war, but it’s not too […]
Iraq Faces Bitter Winter Without Enough
Iraq faces Bitter Winter without enough Kerosene Iraq will need half a billion liters of kerosene this winter, according to a Reuters report, but only […]
Alnasrawi Privatization Is Wrongheaded
Alnasrawi: Privatization is Wrongheaded The eminent Iraqi-born economist Abbas Alnasrawi of the University of Vermont has written a wide-ranging argument against the immediate privatization of […]
You Will All Be Following In Other News
You will all be following in other news sources the story of the downed Blackhawk helicopter and further US casualties. I’m at a conference and […]
Sunni Fundamentalists Protest Arrests
Sunni Fundamentalists Protest arrests of Clergy 500 Sunni Islamists demonstrated in the streets of Baghdad on Friday, representing the Higher Islamic Institute and other Muslim […]