Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – The efforts to discredit and suppress the film No Other Land are part and parcel of a […]
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Im At Conference In Anchorage Of All
I’m at a conference in Anchorage of all places. I’ll try to make some entries later Friday, but am having trouble getting internet access, or […]
Historians Dispute Analogies To Germany
Historians Dispute Analogies to Germany, Japan, with Iraq The Bush administration has continually compared the situation of post war Iraq with that of Germany and […]
Afp Some Translators Quitting After
AFP: Some Translators Quitting after Death Threats AFP is reporting that some translators working for the Coalition have received death threats accusing them of being […]
Najaf Strikes In Protest Holy City Of
Najaf Strikes in Protest The holy city of Najaf announced a general strike for Thursday to protest the collapse of security that allowed such events […]
Cbs Cancels Reagan Miniseries For
CBS Cancels Reagan Miniseries For further proof that the First Amendment only protects free speech from the US government (mostly), but not from the large […]
Two Coalition Troops Killed Two Wounded
Two Coalition Troops Killed, two Wounded Guerrillas exploded a roadside bomb in Baghdad late Monday night, killing one US soldier and wounding two others. A […]
Saddam Is Sinful Aggressor And American
Saddam is a sinful Aggressor and the American Forces are Guests in Iraq: Muqtada Trans. J. Cole The prominent Shiite Iraqi leader Muqtada al-Sadr called […]
Bremer Students Faculty May Travel
Bremer: Students, Faculty may Travel Freely Abroad US civil administrator of Iraq Paul Bremer abrogated all restrictions on the travel abroad of students and faculty […]
Gonul We Can Go In Anytime Turkish
Gonul: We can Go in Anytime Turkish Minister of Defense Vecdi Gonul said Tuesday that Turkey retains the right to send reinforcements for its troops […]