Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Feldman Iraq Will Be Islamic Republic
Feldman: Iraq will be an Islamic Republic at Odds with the West Noah Feldman, an independent consultant to the Coalition Provisional Authority and to President […]
Igc Sees Foreign Fighters Supported By
IGC sees Foreign Fighters supported by Baathists Sources in the Interim Governing Council told al-Zaman that there is evidence that between 200 and 400 foreign […]
Thai Prime Minister Threatens Pull Out
Thai Prime Minister threatens pull-out of Troops The Thai prime minister said Wednesday that the 447 Thai troops at Karbala would be pulled out of […]
Sistani Representative Wounded In
Sistani Representative Wounded in attack in Karbala Shaykh Abdul Mahdi al-Karbala’i was wounded in the head and five guards were also wounded when assailants tossed […]
One Us Soldier Killed 7 Wounded Deputy
One US Soldier Killed, 7 wounded; Deputy Mayor of Baghdad Assassinated Tuesday: Guerrillas fired from a rooftop into the main US military base in Tikrit, […]
Iraq War Death Toll 8700 Iraqi Troops
Iraq War Death Toll: 8,700 Iraqi Troops, 3,400 Iraqi Civilians A new study by The Project on Defence Alternatives, based on field hospital data and […]
Iraqs Christians Meet Ask For Own
Iraq’s Christians Meet, ask for own Province A conference of Chaldean and Assyrian Christians met in Baghdad Monday, and came to two principal decisions (al-Zaman). […]
Us Intelligence Failures On Iraq Wmd
US Intelligence Failures on Iraq WMD Rooted in Trusting Chalabi, Likud, Neocons Carl W. Ford Jr., the just-retired assistant secretary of State for intelligence and […]
Greenstock Charges Foreign Terrorists
Greenstock Charges Foreign Terrorists in Monday’s Wave of Attacks Special representative of the British government in Iraq, Jeremy Greenstock, told the BBC that the modus […]