Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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3 Us Soldiers Killed 4 Wounded Friday
3 US Soldiers Killed, 4 wounded Friday Guerrillas near Samarra’ about an hour’s drive north of Baghdad fired mortars at the US base there Friday, […]
Muqtada Al Sadr Condemns Interim
Muqtada al-Sadr Condemns Interim Governing Council: “As bad as Saddam” The young Shiite clerical leader Muqtada al-Sadr lashed out at the US-appointed Interim Governing Council […]
Lack Of Medicines For Chronic Diseases
Lack of Medicines for Chronic Diseases The interim Iraqi health ministry has contacted pharmaceutical companies worldwide, urgently seeking medicines to treat chronic diseases. The ministry […]
Elections In Tikrit In Apparent
Elections in Tikrit In an apparent reversal of Paul Bremer’s opposition to municipal elections, Tikrit elected a city council on Thursday. Apparently in the absence […]
Guerrillas Set Off Bomb In Fallujah On
Guerrillas set off a bomb in Fallujah on Thursday, wounding a US paratrooper. Guerrillas set off a bomb near a pipeline in northern Iraq, killing […]
Iraqi Interim Interior Ministry
The Iraqi interim Interior Ministry announced that it has hired 1000 school guards to prevent the kidnapping of children and the holding of them for […]
British Representative In Iraq Jeremy
British representative in Iraq Jeremy Greenstock complained Thursday about Iran-backed Shiite militias in Iraq. He warned Iran to cease using them to interfere. He named […]
Pessimistic Rumsfeld Memo Leaked Donald
Pessimistic Rumsfeld Memo Leaked Donald Rumsfeld sent a memo to four of his associates in the Department of Defense on October 16 that worried about […]
Guerrillas Kill 2 Us Troops Wound 10
Guerrillas Kill 2 US troops, wound 10 Guerrillas killed two US troops at Kirkuk on Wednesday, according to al-Sharq al-Awsat; this report was not confirmed […]