Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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One Us Soldier Killed Two Wounded Four
One US soldier killed, two wounded; Four British soldiers wounded Guerrillas killed an American soldier and wounded two others in Tikrit on Monday with a […]
King Abdullah Ii Asks Turkey Not To
King Abdullah II Asks Turkey not to Send Troops King Abdullah II of Jordan called on countries neighboring Iraq not to send troops. (-al-Zaman) The […]
90 Of Iraqi Public Opposes Turkish
90% of Iraqi Public opposes Turkish Troops: New Iraq Opinion Poll “IRAQ INSTITUTE for DEMOCRACY Press Release : Monday 13th of October 2003 Fikri Center, […]
Petroleum Figures For Iraq Here Is What
Petroleum figures for Iraq Here is what informed readers said about the issue of the figures released by the Coalition Provisional Authority on petroleum production […]
Barzani Urges Arab League To Support
Barzani urges Arab League to Support Exclusion of Turkish Troops from Iraq In Cairo, IGC member Massoud Barzani urged the Arab League to support the […]
Bombing Iraqis Angered By Us Failure To
Bombing: Iraqis Angered by US Failure to Provide Security Some reports have the dead in Sunday’s bombing outside the Baghdad hotel at 8, with 40 […]
Explaining Why Bush Administration Went
Explaining Why the Bush Administration Went to War in Iraq – Juan Cole [From the current Boston Review, “The Iraqi Shiites: On the history of […]
One Us Soldier Dead 7 Wounded Iraqi
One US Soldier Dead, 7 wounded; Iraqi policeman dies in Kirkuk, another wounded Guerrillas near Tikrit set off an exposive device at 2:10 pm Sunday […]
Us Figures On Iraqi Oil Production
US Figures on Iraqi Oil Production Challenged The Independent charged on Sunday that the US civil administrators in Iraq have often overstated the amount of […]