Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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Abdul Aziz Al Hakim Says Drafters Of
Abdul Aziz al-Hakim Says Drafters of Constitution must be Elected In an interview with al-Zaman, Interim Governor Council member and head of the Supreme Council […]
Israeli Investment In Iraq Prohibited
Israeli Investment in Iraq Prohibited Planning Minister Mahdi al-Hafez told journalists at the annual IMF/World Bank meetings in Dubai that Israel would not be allowed […]
Breaking News Bombing Of Un
Breaking News: Bombing of UN Headquarters in Baghdad A car drove up to the UN compound in Baghdad Monday morning, and as it was trying […]
Us Committed To Strong Centralized Iraq
US Committed to a strong, Centralized Iraq: Muashir The Jordanian Foreign Minister, Marwan Muashir, said Sunday that King Abdallah II was told when he was […]
Rebuilding In Iraqi South Impeded By
Rebuilding In Iraqi South Impeded by Lack of Cooperation A US military spokesman complained that rebuilding in the Shiite South of Iraq was hampered by […]
3 Us Soldiers Killed 13 Wounded
3 US Soldiers Killed, 13 Wounded Guerrillas fired mortar shells into the grounds of the Abu Ghuraib prison on Saturday night, wounding 13 US soldiers […]
Indian Troops Again Possibility Times
Indian Troops again a Possibility? The Times of India is reporting that the Indian government, having earlier considered and ruled out a Washington request to […]
Clarks Statements On Iraq War
Clark’s Statements on the Iraq War Consistent I really object to the spin the US press put on the statements of Wesley Clark about the […]
Iraqis To Write Iraqi Constitution
Iraqis to Write Iraqi constitution Appointed Minister of Justice, Hashim Abdel Rahman Chalabi, said in Bahrain according to al-Hayat that the new Iraqi constitution would […]