London (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – US President Donald Trump’s America First trade policy has seen the global economy enter a new era of […]
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Us Forces In Iraq Are Attempting To
*US forces in Iraq are attempting to seal the Syrian and Iranian borders on intelligence that outsiders are planning a big terrorist operation in hopes […]
Far Rightwing Journalist And Resurgent
*Far rightwing journalist and resurgent imperialist Max Boot has come back from Iraq and pronounced the US venture there a resounding success. Of imperialism he […]
In Debate Of Democratic Candidates On
*In the debate of the Democratic candidates on Tuesday evening here in the US, there were some sparkling moments. I thought Howard Dean acquitted himself […]
See Fawaz Gergess Analysis Of Iraqi
*See Fawaz Gerges’s analysis of the Iraqi resistance in CSM. He makes more of the radical Sunni Muslims in Iraq than I would, though he […]
Guerillas Wounded Two American Soldiers
*Guerillas wounded two American soldiers with a bomb as their convoy was going over a bridge in Baghdad on Monday. *Two tribal shaikhs were assassinated […]
Bushs Speech On Iraq Policy At 830 Pm
Bush’s speech on Iraq policy at 8:30 pm Sunday night struck me as weak compared to past addresses of his on the War on Terror. […]
Assassination Attempt Against Grand
*An assassination attempt against Grand Ayatollah Hussain Bashir al-Najafi has been foiled in Najaf reports AFP The Badr Corps militia of the Supreme Council for […]
Ayham Al Samarrai New Minister Of
*Ayham al-Samarrai, the new minister of electricity, has said that Coalition troops should withdraw from Iraqi cities within six months. (AFP) Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, Shiite […]
Guerrillas In Cars Sprayed Machine Gun
*Guerrillas in cars sprayed machine gun fire at the headquarters of the Shiite al-Da`wa Party twice on Sunday. (Al-Zaman). No one was hurt. Four or […]