Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
Main Content
Guerrillas Near Tikrit Set Off Roadside
*Guerrillas near Tikrit set off a roadside bomb that wounded four US soldiers in a passing convoy. Later they fired mortar rounds at US positions […]
Guerrillas In Southern Iraq Set Off
*Guerrillas in southern Iraq set off a roadside bomb as a US convoy went by on Monday, killing two US soldiers and wounding a third. […]
Fourteen Us Soldiers Were Wounded Over
*Fourteen US soldiers were wounded over the weekend. Several fell victim to attacks in the Sunni Arab triangle on Sunday. The WP now reports that […]
Note I Will Appear On Lehrer News Hour
Note: I will appear on the Lehrer News Hour on PBS on Monday 9/1, at 6 pm or 7 pm in most markets. Sorry for […]
Band Of 8 Iraqi Guerrillas Fired Rocket
*A band of 8 Iraqi guerrillas fired rocket propelled grenades at a US convoy west of Kirkuk on Saturday, wounding two U.S. soldiers. The soldiers […]
Exploding Mine Wounded Seven American
*An exploding mine wounded seven American soldiers in a vehicle that ran over it early Saturday near the border with Syria. *In Najaf crowds demonstrated […]
Guerrillas Near Baquba Northeast Of
*Guerrillas near Baquba northeast of Baghdad fired rocket-propelled grenades at a US convoy, killing one US soldier and wounding four others. One of the wounded […]
Breaking News
*Breaking news. Nearly 100 people have been killed and hundreds more wounded by a hug car bomb blast in the Shiite holy city of Najaf, […]
Guerrillas In Falluja Set Off Bomb That
*Guerrillas in Falluja set off a bomb that wounded four US soldiers on Thursday. Hundreds of townspeople rallied after the attack for a march through […]