Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The arrest of legal permanent U.S. resident Mahmoud Khalil, 29, by Department of Homeland Security agents for thought crimes is […]
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For My Reaction To Tragic Bombing Of Un
For my reaction to the tragic bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad, see the breaking news item below. *Bahraini officials met with Iraq Interim […]
Breaking News_19
*Breaking News. A suicide bomber set off an enormous truck bomb at the Canal Hotel in Baghdad, which was serving as the United Nations Headquarters, […]
Guerrillas Killed Us Soldier In Baghdad
*Guerrillas killed a US soldier in Baghdad on Monday with a bomb. In a separate incident, guerrillas attacked a US Army convoy with rocket propelled […]
Second Pipeline Blast In North Of Iraq
*A second pipeline blast in the north of Iraq further damages the country’s ability to export petroleum, costing Iraqis $7 million a day. Guerrillas showered […]
Guerrillas Lightly Wounded Two Us
*Guerrillas lightly wounded two US soldiers with near Baquba on Saturday when they set off a roadside bomb made of four 155 mm artillery shells, […]
Guerrillas Near Balad Northeast Of Iraq
*Guerrillas near Balad , northeast of Iraq, injured two US soldiers and woundeded three Iraqis when they fired two rocket propelled grenades at a military […]
Guerrillas In Basra Bombed British
*Guerrillas in Basra bombed a British military ambulance and killed on British soldier, wounding two others. This incident is the first guerrilla attack of this […]
On Weds
*On Weds., Iraqi guerrillas killed one US soldier and wounded another near Tikrit with an improvised road bomb, over which their armored personnel carrier drove. […]
Guerrillas Set Off Three Home Made
*Guerrillas set off three home made bombs at Ramadi as a convoy of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment soldier was passing, killing one US soldier. […]