Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Two Us Soldiers Died In Iraq On
*Two US soldiers died in Iraq on Wednesday and nine were wounded. US Central Command said that “One soldier was killed and three injured in […]
Two Us Soldiers Died In Iraq In Past 36
*Two US soldiers died in Iraq in the past 36 hours. Guerrillas attacked a US convoy between Falluja and Ramadi, killing one soldier and wounding […]
Today I Fulfilled My Sad Duty To Navy
*Today I fulfilled my sad duty to Navy Lt. Kylan Jones-Huffman of putting up an archive of his email messages to me. Kylan was shot […]
Us Soldier Was Reported Killed Monday
*A US soldier was reported killed Monday of “non-hostile gunfire,” presumably a firearms accident. *Angry crowds about 2,000 strong filled the streets of Najaf Monday […]
Ayatollah Muhammad Said Al Hakim Was
*Ayatollah Muhammad Sa`id al-Hakim was slightly wounded in the neck by flying glass on Sunday when a bomb went off outside his offices in Najaf […]
Gunmen Killed Three British Soldiers In
*Gunmen killed three British soldiers in the southern port city of Basra on Saturday. Details are contradictory and sketchy. Some reports say they had a […]
It Is With Great Sadness That I Report
*It is with great sadness that I report that a friend of Informed Comment, Naval Reserve Lt. Kylan Jones-Huffman (31), was killed Thursday near al-Hilla. […]
Guerrillas In Iraq Killed One 1st
*Guerrillas in Iraq killed one 1st Armored Division soldier and wounded two others with an improvised explosive in Baghdad just before midnight Wednesday. In Afghanistan, […]
Three Guerrillas Fired Ak 47s And
*Three guerrillas fired AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades at a US military convoy near Tikrit, killing a US citizen working as a translator, and wounding two […]