Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Huge Explosions At Us Base At Ramadi
*Huge explosions at the US base at Ramadi west of Baghdad, but no word on casualties as I write. Guerrillas killed one soldier, wounded two […]
Iraqi Guerrillas Wounded Four Us
*Iraqi guerrillas wounded four US soldiers on Sunday, though details are not forthcoming. Another soldier died of heat stroke in the 123 degree F. sun […]
Iraqi Guerrillas Wounded At Least Four
*Iraqi guerrillas wounded at least four American troops on Friday night and Saturday, according to AP. They fired rocket propelled grenades and directed small arms […]
Heres My Friday Op Ed For Daily Star At
Here’s my Friday op-ed for The Daily Star at Shiite divisions give the US breathing room Juan Cole The Daily Star, 8/9/03 Most Shiite […]
Us Soldier Was Shot To Death In Ritzy
*A US soldier was shot to death in the ritzy Mansur district of Baghdad on Friday, but whether it was the work of a guerrilla […]
Guerrillas In Karada Baghdad Directed
*Guerrillas in Karada, Baghdad directed small arms fire from their vehicle at two US soldiers from the 1st Armored Division on Wednesday night, killing one […]
Bombing Of Marriott In Jakarta By Al
*The bombing of the Marriott in Jakarta by the al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyya is very bad news. It will hurt Indonesia’s tourism and foreign investment, which […]
Three Us Soldiers Were Slightly Injured
*Three US soldiers were slightly injured in Falluja on Tuesday along with 3 Iraqi policemen, according to AP. The Americans had joined Iraqi police in […]
Five Us Soldiers Were Wounded In Iraq
*Five US soldiers were wounded in Iraq Monday, along with an Iraqi translator, according to AFP. In one attack, guerrillas gutsily fired an anti-tank rocket […]