Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Us Forces Were Ambushed While Leaving
*US forces were ambushed while leaving an ammunition depot between the cities of Ramadi and Habbaniya on Tuesday, but took no casualties. They fought back, […]
Sadr Foundation Issued Statement Saying
*The Sadr Foundation issued a statement saying that the Shiite community cannot be entirely satisfied with the new governing council, since the US fears the […]
Reuters Australian News Rocket
*Reuters & Australian News: A rocket propelled grenade badly wounded a US soldier early Monday morning as he drove his vehicle toward the Baghdad Airport. […]
Breaking News Revised Members Of New
*Breaking news (revised): The members of the new Iraqi Governing Council, which declared itself Sunday, are as follows, according to CNN. I have changed the […]
Assailants Launched Rocket Propelled
*Assailants launched rocket propelled grenades at US MPs guarding a prison near Baghdad early Saturday morning, wounding a U.S. soldier. CNN reported that three explosions […]
Attacks On Us Forces Continued Thursday
*Attacks on US forces continued Thursday and Friday. In Samarra, four mortar rounds were launched at a US military base late Thursday, and three of […]
Three Us Troops Were Killed On
*Three US troops were killed on Wednesday, according to a military spokesman. In Tikrit, assailants hit a US convoy, killing one soldier and wounding another. […]
Us Mounted Unprecedented House To House
*The US mounted an unprecedented house to house search in Azamiya and Karada, quarters of West Baghdad, on Wednesday, closing off streets and sealing the […]
In Staccato Burst Of Attacks On Tuesday
*In a staccato burst of attacks on Tuesday, 7 US troops were wounded in Baghdad and Kirkuk. In Baghdad insurgents waited on a bridge until […]