Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
Main Content
Happy Fourth To All Americans In Iraq
* A happy Fourth to all the Americans in Iraq, where I know I have some readers. Hope you can all be back home soon, […]
Us Is Bogged Down In Low Intensity
*The US is bogged down in a low-intensity guerrilla war in Iraq, with daily attacks that for the most part go unmentioned in the Western […]
For Some Odd Reason My July 1 Posting
For some odd reason, my July 1 posting of Sistani’s fatwa is not being archived by the new blogger software, so I am attempting to […]
Here Is What Tuesdays Events In Iraq
*Here is what Tuesday’s events in Iraq looked like to Kuwait’s Arab Times: “Six more American soldiers were wounded in Iraq on Tuesday and a […]
Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani Has Entered
*Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani has entered Iraqi politics in an unexpectedly big way. He has denounced US administrator Paul Bremer’s plan to appoint a large […]
Us Army Has Launched Operation
*The US Army has launched Operation Sidewinder, storming 20 towns in the Sunni Arab center of Iraq and making dozens of arrests, in a quest […]
Civil Administration Of Iraq Under Paul
*The civil administration of Iraq under Paul Bremer plans to create a ministry of religious affairs that would promote dialogue among Iraq’s religious leaders, according […]
Jews Who Buy Land In Iraq Should Be
*Jews who buy land in Iraq should be killed, according to a fatwa or legal ruling issued by Sayyid Kadhim al-Haeri ( -Reuters). Al-Haeri is […]
Someone Sent Me Link To Fascinating
*Someone sent me a link to a fascinating piece on battle fatigue among US soldiers by journalist Bob Graham that appeared back last June 19 […]