Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The 27 countries of the European Union, with a population of about 450 million, produce 3.9 billion metric tons of […]
Main Content
Shiite Supreme Council For Islamic
*The Shiite Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq does not support violence against occupying US troops, says Abdul Aziz al-Hakim in al-Hayat. The leader […]
Student Protests In Tehran Seemed To
*The student protests in Tehran seemed to die down on Tuesday evening, and were not nearly as big as before. Likewise, the evening was not […]
Big Student Protests In Iran Continued
*The big student protests in Iran continued for a sixth night on Sunday. This, despite the attack on the students Saturday by armed thugs controlled […]
Little Has Been Written By American
*Little has been written by American observers about the ways in which the US invasion and occupation of Iraq has worsened women’s lives. Not least, […]
Several Hundred Iranian Students Have
*Several hundred Iranian students have demonstrated against the regime in Iran, and plan bigger protests on the anniversary of the 1999 demonstrations. The students are […]
In Brouhaha Over Failure Of Us To Find
*In the brouhaha over the failure of the US to find much in the way of weapons of mass destruction programs or materials in Iraq, […]
It Is Now Being Reported That
*It is now being reported that interrogations of top al-Qaeda leaders Khalid Shaikh Muhammad and Abu Zubayda reveal that the organization avoided entanglement with Saddam […]
Operation Rockingham Was Name Of Covert
*”Operation Rockingham” was the name of a covert operation within the Defense Intelligence Staff of the UK’s Ministry of Defense that aimed at skewing intelligence […]
Things Are Not Going Well Again Between
*Things are not going well again between the US and the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, led by Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim. Al-Hakim has […]