Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – An independent UN commission has found that “Israel has increasingly employed sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender-based violence against […]
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Death Toll Of Bombings In Casablanca As
The death toll of the bombings in Casablanca as I write is being given as over 20, with 60 wounded. Casablanca is the Mediterranean commercial […]
Baghdad Mosques Are Emerging As Safe
*Baghdad mosques are emerging as safe places for civil society dialogue, according to Abd al-Latif al-Sa`dun in al-Hayat. In the Mosque of Umm al-Tabul in […]
Iranian President Khatami Praised
*Iranian President Khatami praised Lebanon for its traditions of multiculturalism and its brave resistance to Israeli occupation. He said it was impossible for a major […]
What I Am Hearing Is That One Of
*What I am hearing is that one of the targets of the Riyadh bombing was the Saudi Arabian National Guard, which is headed by Prince […]
Update Death Toll Of Riyadh Blasts Is
Update: The death toll of the Riyadh blasts is 20 noncombatants, with 194 injured. Nine of the dead are Americans. Nine bombers were killed by […]
Four Huge Blasts Shook Eastern Suburb
*Four huge blasts shook an eastern suburb of Riyadh where many foreigners lived on Monday night/Tuesday morning. As I write, three are dead (reportedly two […]
Shiite Leader Ayatollah Baqir Al Hakim
*The Shiite leader Ayatollah Baqir al-Hakim, newly returned from Iran, has said, “We reject an imposed government,” and, “I fear neither the Americans nor the […]
American Team In Iraq Is Being Shaken
*The American team in Iraq is being shaken up big time. Barbara Bodine, a long-time diplomat and Arabist, who has effectively been the US mayor […]
According To Al Hayat Ayatollah
*According to al-Hayat, Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim, just returned from Iran, has called for a state in which all would feel secure and in which […]