Orono, Maine (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – Among tariffs, territorial ambitions and other threats to America’s well-being by Pres. Trump, one of the more severethreats may be his […]
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British Are Announcing That They Have
*The British are announcing that they have taken an important suburb of Basra, al-Qassib, after a fierce firefight with Iraqi military forces. This is said […]
Us Forces Have Recently Begun Bombing
*The US forces have recently begun bombing the Republican Guards near Baghdad, which some think is a sign that Iraq’s air defenses have now been […]
British Forces Ringing Basra Have
*The British forces ringing Basra have called on civilians to leave the city. Many are walking to Basra, 12 miles away, in search of water. […]
British Are Asserting That There Has
*The British are asserting that there has been a popular revolt in Basra against the Republican Guards and other forces loyal to Saddam. The Iraqi […]
I Saw Interview By Journalist With Some
*I saw an interview by a journalist with some Kurds in the North of Iraq who were complaining about the US invasion of Iraq and […]
As Usual In War Reporting I Already
*As usual in war reporting, I already have to take back some of what I said yesterday. It seems increasingly clear that the Bush administration […]
Basra Fell Early Sunday Morning Est
*Basra fell early Sunday morning EST, Sunday afternoon Baghdad time. Actually what appears to have happened was that the largely British force surrounding the city […]
Well We Found Out Why Ground Troops
*Well, we found out why the ground troops moved in without a preceding air campaign. The air campaign had been planned for Friday, and was […]
Us 3rd Infantry Division Has Entered
*The US 3rd Infantry Division has entered southern Iraq virtually without opposition. The insertion of some 16,000 or 17,000 men into enemy territory before the […]