London (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – US President Donald Trump’s America First trade policy has seen the global economy enter a new era of […]
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Iraqi Shiites In Slums Of Baghdad Which
Iraqi Shiites in the slums of Baghdad, which were once called al-Thawrah Towship and then Saddam City, have now renamed their neighborhood Sadr City after […]
Iraq War Has Resulted In Many Human
The Iraq war has resulted in many human casualties that make any humane person want to weep. I hope the human sacrifice will have been […]
Khui Appears To Have Been Killed In
*Khu’i appears to have been killed in Najaf by a mob of radical followers of the 22-year-old Muqtada al-Sadr. His father had been a supporter […]
Events Around Assassination Of Shiite
The events around the assassination of Shiite leader Abd al-Majid Khu’i in Najaf a couple of days ago remain murky. From what I can tell, […]
Madinat Saddam Shiite Area Of 2 Million
*Madinat Saddam, a Shiite area of 2 million in Baghdad, had already tossed out the Iraqi militiamen two days ago, it turns out. These desperately […]
British Forces In Basra Have Announced
*The British forces in Basra have announced that the battle for that city has just about ended. They have taken most of the important government […]
Humanitarian Disaster May Loom In Basra
*Humanitarian disaster may loom in Basra if something isn’t done quickly. The city has fallen to British forces and some of the population has turned […]
For Anyone Who Hasnt Been Near News
*For anyone who hasn’t been near news this morning, the US military has taken several key sites in downtown Baghdad in a dramatic show of […]
Saudi Arabia And Kuwait Are Giving
*Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are giving Jordan three months of its oil supplies free to make up for the interruption of its petroleum imports from […]