London (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – US President Donald Trump’s America First trade policy has seen the global economy enter a new era of […]
Main Content
With News Of Advance Of Us Third Army
*With news of the advance of the US Third Army to the edges of Baghdad and the fall of the airport, it is easy to […]
Well Latest Reports Still Are Saying
Well, the latest reports still are saying that Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani in Najaf issued a fatwa or legal ruling today that urges Shiites not […]
Shiite Expatriate Group Supreme Council
*The Shiite expatriate group, the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq in Tehran, has condemned the Baath regime of Iraq for putting its soldiers […]
Us Troops Have Entered Southern Reaches
*US troops have entered the southern reaches of the Shiite holy city of Najaf and are receiving a relatively warm reception from the 560,000 largely […]
Killing Of Some 7 Iraqi Civilians By Us
*The killing of some 7 Iraqi civilians by US troops because their vehicle refused to stop at a checkpoint demonstrates the kind of public relations […]
Blog Post
British Are Announcing That They Have
*The British are announcing that they have taken an important suburb of Basra, al-Qassib, after a fierce firefight with Iraqi military forces. This is said […]
Us Forces Have Recently Begun Bombing
*The US forces have recently begun bombing the Republican Guards near Baghdad, which some think is a sign that Iraq’s air defenses have now been […]
British Forces Ringing Basra Have
*The British forces ringing Basra have called on civilians to leave the city. Many are walking to Basra, 12 miles away, in search of water. […]