Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Trump administration began bombing Yemen last weekend, when the US Air Force launched 47 air raids on at least […]
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In Defense Of Our Allies I Take Strong
In Defense of our Allies I take strong exception to the following statement [by a participant in H-Diplo]. >”Regional states and our feckless “allies” in […]
Both European Union And Human Rights
Both the European Union and Human Rights Watch have criticized General Pervez Musharraf’s attempts to stifle democracy in Pakistan. His “National Security Council,” very much […]
Yemeni Police Have Discovered Further
Yemeni police have discovered a further 300 kg. of plastic explosives in the capital, Sanaa, which belonged to an al-Qaida cell. Two members of the […]
Successes And Failures Of War On Terror
Successes and Failures of the War on Terror Juan R. I. Cole Symposium on “Globalization and Terrorism” International Institute, University of Michigan September 11, 2002 […]
One Of Founders Of Algerias Armed
One of the founders of Algeria’s “Armed Islamic Group” revealed in an interview with Asharq al-Awsat that Usama Bin Laden gave monetary aid to the […]
Rebellion Of Padshah Khan Zadran In
The rebellion of Padshah Khan Zadran in Eastern Afghanistan appears to have failed for the moment. The disaffected warlord, who has vowed to overthrow Karzai, […]
Bin Laden Preaches Against U
Bin Laden Preaches against U.S. Asim Daraz, an Egyptian journalist who lived in Afghanistan and associated for a while with Usama Bin Laden, showed videotape […]
Architecture Of Middle East
The Architecture of the Middle East It has been suggested that “American strategic planners intend to attempt to replace the existing Sykes-Picot/Balfour architecture of the […]
Instability In Afghanistan Ability Of
Instability in Afghanistan The ability of terrorist forces (whether al-Qaida or Gulbuddin Hekmatyar) to set off a huge car bomb explosion in Kabul, killing at […]