As hard as it might be to believe, uranium is a sustainable source of energy, enough energy if used properly in fast neutron reactors. There is always more in seawater.
I certainly agree about single payer: Medicare For All! (Disclosure: two of my children are practicing M.D.s.)
However, the existing utility structure is adequate, I opine. We just have to provide incentives for turning off carb dioxide emissions producers. Those more informed than I opine that a tax on carbon dioxide emissions will suffice.
During the mid-Pliocene with the same carbon dioxide levels as now the sea stand was about 25 meters higher than now and the global temperature was 2+ °C higher than now. So if carbon dioxide levels remain at the same level as now, and then, at equilibrium those same conditions will obtain.
And then there is the support of science and mathematics offered by music hence music education. One reason that the state of Washington does so well in a variety of high tech areas is the strong support for music education here.
I'll just remind us that Einstein was a superb violinist.
Not exactly off-topic: here is a profoundly ignorant law maker link to
I suppose he is a lawyer. Are all lawyers so ill-trained in the sciences?
While wind turbines work well in the Midwest, here in the Pacific Northwest no more wind farms are under construction; all the best sites have been taken.
The most important replacement is not using so much electricity, called energy efficiency. Installing LED lighting, etc, leads to the utility turning off the least efficient generators. That is usually the old coal burners.
Carbon sequestration is easy and permanent. Its called coal and remains in the ground for many tens of millions of years.
Carbon dioxide sequestration is a bit more difficult. As the link shows you don't want to store it in just water. However, pumping supercritical carbon dioxide with just a little water added into any mafic rock, basalt for example, turns the carbon dioxide into carbonate rock in only two years. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, down the road a bit, recently concluded just that test.
As the article in TNYT makes clear, it was the Russian military intelligence unit which hacked the DNC with the results indirectly forwarded to Wikileaks and others.
The inference is that Putin approved at least the last step.
There is a way to remove significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Len Orstein with two coauthors have a free, published paper "Irrigated Afforestation of the Sahara desert and the Australian outback ..." which shows that growing all those trees will remove, per annum, about as much as burning fossil fuels adds each year. So if we soon stop burning fossil fuels the carbon dioxide concentration will lower at about the rate it has increased.
Won't be inexpensive. If I understand the paper, they estimate $150 billion per annum. What is the DOD budget again?
The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is now 400 ppm. The previous time that was so was in the mid-Pliocene, about 3 million years ago. From the Wikipedia article on Pliocene climate we learn that the sea level was 25 meters higher than now. As the ocean circulation then was similar to today's so was the climate system. So the sea level will continue to rise for about the next 1000 years, provided that the carbon dioxide concentration remains around 400 ppm.
Possibly removing enough carbon dioxide could avoid some of the 25 meter rise.
In most of the USA, neither solar nor wind displaces petroleum from Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. Petroleum products are only used to generate electricity in some locations in Alaska and Hawaii. Possibly a few other off grid locations. Yes, diesels are used for backup in case of grid failure but neither solar nor wind will change that very much.
A week or two ago a hot high pressure area stalled over most of the contiguous 48 states. As it was hot electricity demand for air conditioning went up. As it stalled, there was little wind to power wind turbines. As it lasted for about a week no battery storage could possibly take up the load for an affordable price.
Here in the Pacific Northwest no one is building any more wind farms. Energy efficiency is to replace the need for more generators.
Then you would have lotsa poor to midlin' cars to try to pawn off to the American public.
As hard as it might be to believe, uranium is a sustainable source of energy, enough energy if used properly in fast neutron reactors. There is always more in seawater.
Bioplastics are coming.
The news organ is now named RT, being Russia Today no longer. Some of the stories are outright fiction. RT is another example of Faux Neuz.
Juan Cole, please do not insult magpies.
Juan Cole, you overrate The Donald's sanity.
Clap Clapper in the clapper.
Give the key to Juan Cole.
Not just on Mother's Day...
Wittgenstein said that whereof we cannot speak we must remain silent.
Ordinarily I don't bother to state it:
Words fail me.
Much more sensible analysis of the situation in France than that of Bret Stephens in TNYT.
I certainly agree about single payer: Medicare For All! (Disclosure: two of my children are practicing M.D.s.)
However, the existing utility structure is adequate, I opine. We just have to provide incentives for turning off carb dioxide emissions producers. Those more informed than I opine that a tax on carbon dioxide emissions will suffice.
As I see it, the physics and chemistry of batteries means much greater energy density is most unlikely so smaller means less range.
Rapid charge may be feasible.
Still, solar is a pipsqueep compared to thermal generators.
Please do not insult Neanderthals.
During the mid-Pliocene with the same carbon dioxide levels as now the sea stand was about 25 meters higher than now and the global temperature was 2+ °C higher than now. So if carbon dioxide levels remain at the same level as now, and then, at equilibrium those same conditions will obtain.
Source is the Wikipedia page on Pliocene climate.
The American landings in Africa were resisted by the Vichy forces.
And then there is the support of science and mathematics offered by music hence music education. One reason that the state of Washington does so well in a variety of high tech areas is the strong support for music education here.
I'll just remind us that Einstein was a superb violinist.
Won't enough people recognize that it is Faux Neuz?
Non compos mentis.
Impeach now.
16 million
I fear nothing will make this tragedy better.
It is Tillerson's policy. The Donald is too ignorant to have a policy thought of his own.
That is at best debatable, Jim. Already Russia has suffered massive wildfires and super heat waves.
Flynn is a flake, not to be trusted to separate fact from fiction. That he made it to lt. general does not speak well of the military.
Not exactly off-topic: here is a profoundly ignorant law maker
link to
I suppose he is a lawyer. Are all lawyers so ill-trained in the sciences?
Certainly won't fall on their pens, which are mightier than swords...
Good summary.
"Allies? Don't need no stinkin' allies. America First!"
Ah, the kakistocracy in action...
While wind turbines work well in the Midwest, here in the Pacific Northwest no more wind farms are under construction; all the best sites have been taken.
Thank you.
A small point but as far as I know the Japanese-Americans in Hawaii were not interned during World War II.
The most important replacement is not using so much electricity, called energy efficiency. Installing LED lighting, etc, leads to the utility turning off the least efficient generators. That is usually the old coal burners.
This is more of The Population Bomb going off in the Middle East.
Kakistocracy in action!
Apply the 25th amendment. Quickly!
Apply the 25th amendment. Now!
Carbon sequestration is easy and permanent. Its called coal and remains in the ground for many tens of millions of years.
Carbon dioxide sequestration is a bit more difficult. As the link shows you don't want to store it in just water. However, pumping supercritical carbon dioxide with just a little water added into any mafic rock, basalt for example, turns the carbon dioxide into carbonate rock in only two years. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, down the road a bit, recently concluded just that test.
I'm scared.
Yes, drain the swamp of Bannon.
Apologies to swamps for the insult.
Well, no. Arabs are not "people of color", for example.
Will we survive this?
Who is going to file charges?
Washington State University has 136 students affected by the ban which is now stayed.
Another example of the population bomb going off.
I have known 4 people who died in automobile accidents and 2 by suicide. None via so-called terrorism.
A bold action by the judge which the 9th circuit may well sustain.
This is what its like inside Bedlam.
Well, you know what they say about people with tiny hands...
Robots and other automation will increasingly be the entities doing the work.
A few paragraphs down to read the research substance on why torture does not work:
link to
Destroys memory and other brain effects.
Only possibly off-topic, watch out!
link to
Aiii is coming after you...
Avatar of the God of Chaos.
Invoke article 4 of the 25th amendment.
Pontius Pilot is said to have uttered "What is truth?"
With The Donald we now inhabit Bedlam...
Small point: some communities in Alaska run diesel generators for electricity.
The Donald is so incompetent that likely nothing will happen outside of twitterland.
I doubt that there is the will power in Congress to repeal...
An almost square grey state should be labeled NM.
Can anyone be considered successful at running what is widely called "the cowboy ******* agency"?
But I thought it was an excellent imitation.
Then again, not just an imitation...
Hope he is impeached and found unfit soon.
How many bankruptcies has The Donald gone through? Question his competency at ever level.
You provide no evidence.
Welcome to Trumpistan, the kakistocracy to end all...
The Donald lacks the intellect and the emotional stability to be a fascist.
Fit to be a denizen of Bedlam.
Welcome to Trumpistan.
Kakistocracy. The Donald isn't organized enough to play Benito.
Solar panels are now so inexpensive that it doesn't matter what The Donald tweets.
Kevin Drum speaks my mind.
I shudder in anticipation...
As the article in TNYT makes clear, it was the Russian military intelligence unit which hacked the DNC with the results indirectly forwarded to Wikileaks and others.
The inference is that Putin approved at least the last step.
The DNC Democrats are centrist, at best. I stand with the progressives, not found in the Democratic Party.
So promote him, already. Cannot be worse than The Donald or his opponent.
War is Peace
What makes you think that it is not already too late?
In this town discharging a firearm gets one tossed in the clink.
Pakistan only pretends to oppose the Taliban. Actually, I opine, a branch of the Pakistan government provides some support for the Taliban.
A pox on all their houses.
Mad dogs are caused by rabies.
In some of Shakespeare's plays the actors speak directly to the audience.
Good for the 'Hamilton' actor!
Flynn has "Flynn facts" and appears to be no longer sufficiently sane to be reasonable.
Already sunk under a forthcoming 25 meters of sea rise unless there is a massive change to stop adding and start subtracting carbon dioxide.
There is a way to remove significant amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Len Orstein with two coauthors have a free, published paper "Irrigated Afforestation of the Sahara desert and the Australian outback ..." which shows that growing all those trees will remove, per annum, about as much as burning fossil fuels adds each year. So if we soon stop burning fossil fuels the carbon dioxide concentration will lower at about the rate it has increased.
Won't be inexpensive. If I understand the paper, they estimate $150 billion per annum. What is the DOD budget again?
The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is now 400 ppm. The previous time that was so was in the mid-Pliocene, about 3 million years ago. From the Wikipedia article on Pliocene climate we learn that the sea level was 25 meters higher than now. As the ocean circulation then was similar to today's so was the climate system. So the sea level will continue to rise for about the next 1000 years, provided that the carbon dioxide concentration remains around 400 ppm.
Possibly removing enough carbon dioxide could avoid some of the 25 meter rise.
I want to switch to the reality channel.
2 MW wind turbines are on the small side. Think 8.
But yes, everyone else is going to have difficulty competing with the Chinese.
By the way, the usual abbreviation is UHVDC as the transmission lines are direct current.
Well done, Juan Cole.
Vastly too little, much too late.
Long way to go. Carbon dioxide emitters produced 65% of the power in 2015; nuclear about 19%, hydro 8%, and wind but 5%.
"The Man Who Mistook His Wife For His Hat"
Byzantine. We know what finally happened to the Byzantine empire.
In most of the USA, neither solar nor wind displaces petroleum from Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. Petroleum products are only used to generate electricity in some locations in Alaska and Hawaii. Possibly a few other off grid locations. Yes, diesels are used for backup in case of grid failure but neither solar nor wind will change that very much.
What a nightmare.
All while Obama has a Noble Peace Prize.
Love using French art to help quash the ban.
I find this all quite frightening.
A week or two ago a hot high pressure area stalled over most of the contiguous 48 states. As it was hot electricity demand for air conditioning went up. As it stalled, there was little wind to power wind turbines. As it lasted for about a week no battery storage could possibly take up the load for an affordable price.
Here in the Pacific Northwest no one is building any more wind farms. Energy efficiency is to replace the need for more generators.