"American journalists always spoke of American allies but of Soviet satellites“, the "always" reminds me of Solzhenitsyn's remark about the American press: It is good but it is always the same.
This is very different from what I see at CNN: Shame on CNN for excluding Professor Cole's very respectable perspective. The MSM's first priority is to block dissent.
"In the view of many professional psychologists and psychiatrists, Trump is not merely a bully, a showman, and a liar; he is more likely a mentally impaired individual who is impulsive, aggressive, and relentlessly driven to manipulate and blame others." This is a silly statement not fit to print at Informed Comment: the so called "mental illness" has no place in the political process: Congress, this is us, the people, can remove president Trump from office any time. How come we don't do it? Is that because we are "mentally ill"? (pardon the sarcasm, it's so tempting in light of that statement).
Thanks for the reminder: as nation we settle international grudges by shooting, not by talking talking, which we call it "justice". When the shooting is domestic we call it "mental Illness". We gota find the compass soon.
" But one should also add Main Stream Media editors. As far as I can see, reporters in general seem to do a pretty good job, but it is the editors who decide which stories get published and which are omitted or watered down. " : Eichmann defense.
What Trump is now doing is exactly what the US MSM has been doing for years: Blocking the opposition's story. That's how propaganda works best, (of you have the power to impose the blocking).
To my knowledge all MSM “journalists” are corrupted typists: I never heard a MSM “journalist” in an open discussion with a politician or anyone else on the alleged atomic power of the State of Israel, a central issue in the ME and in the survival of the Human and other species.
What else? The neo-con's idea has been to de-stabilize and eventually balkanize Iran. Fif-columns and false flags are the main tools in their conquering enterprise.
Excellent analysis, thanks.
Also consider that the Turks are trying to protect the national integrity from international forces that may be using the Kurds to destabilize Turkey.
" So Trump is helping make Iran a leader of the Muslim world. Good job." If that also means he is helping to unite the Muslim world, Trump's job is monumental
Al Jaseera today: "Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from Lebanon's capital Beirut, said Hariri's children had not accompanied him on the trip to Paris and that could "raise a lot of questions".
From President Trump: “We dominate the sky, we dominate the sea, we dominate the land and space,”
To President Trump: What about dominating the killing epidemic in the USA?
PS: President Trump, please stop fooling around the world and come back to mind the USA.
Excellent review, thanks, hope the NYT/CNN notice it.
All agents of foreign nations should be investigated, not just those that do business with Russia.
"... works just fine — for the corporate executives who run it." It also works fine for Members of Congress; that is one of the reasons why they work so hard to keep their seats,
The “buffoons” is not just Trump and co, it’s all of us that live in denial of personal responsibility: personhood. By conveniently accepting the official psychiatry/state’s mental illness capricious dictum epitomized by the insanity defense, we continue to attribute personal moral agency to the brain: The-brain-made-me-do-it.
The consequences of the denial are the slow extinction of the human race and many other living organism.
The MSM is trying to terrorize Gov. Dayton for being "politically incorrect." That's how the MSM functions: It suppresses descent and hits hard if you get out-of-line.
To my knowledge there is no investigation on it which suggest suppression of evidence.
The 25,000 people were “mostly poor, urban and hopeless.” Were they hired to help to destabilize Syria? If so who financed the operation?
Professor Cole, did write “diagnosis”; that is medicine which means biology, determinism.
Now you write “truly insane” and “impulses” connoting determined behavior. These are capricious labels, dictums that have no medical substance. They are smaller variants of the insanity defense.
They are imposed on people tyrannically by institutional psychiatry supported by the government. They dehumanize, demoralize people. A tragic national farce.
Donald Tramp, -this is so because I say so and I am the USA Commander in Chief-, may have been elected because he is Mr. farce-in-chief.
Prof. Cole, please do not mess with serious matters:
Tyrannical and sadistic behaviors are NOT medical - biologically determined - conditions, they are - voluntary, moral - human behaviors subjected to legal/political assessment.
Do not even suggest that the President may be excused of objectionable/illegal behavior because he has a psychiatric illness.
It would be intelligent to compare the political influence on the USA of the head of state of Russia with that of the head of the state of Israel who spoke to the whole USA Congress politically.
The problem with the MSM is not with what is says or propagandizes, the problem is that the six media corporations keep away dissent. We have free competitive market but we don't have free competitive speech.
When it comes to free speech - and other things - D. Trump may qualify as a brutal satirist disguised as a clown, as a caricature. Trump satirizes the elected officials, just about all of them who, rightly so, are scare to death to discuss certain subjects, while they look and act as if they are free.
We seem to be blind to the facts: Trump is the messenger, the message is us. We are living a farce to be epitomized tomorrow when the Declaration of Independence is read in public.
From the perspective of the Muslin people there is no difference between the two actions because the ultimate goal in Iraq and elsewhere is to do away with Islam.
The information we get from the MSM about what appears to be a dangerous mess in the Trump Administration is a mirror imagen of the confused, dull estate of mind of the American Public which is caused by the suppression of free political speech. There are dozens if not hundreds brilliant political thinkers in the USA that are kept out of the open discourse because their ideas are “unacceptable” to the rulers that control the press and the stick.
There is a way to stop the downhill course of our country: allow Juan Cole and many others in the 10 o’clock news, as a starter.
Too much talk about Trump and security while ignoring:
A- That the people in Muslim world believe that the West wants to destabilize, divide and destroy Islam, a belief that is supported by the West’s multiple military attacks to Muslin countries in the last 15 years;
B- That all nations or ethnic groups have self-proclaimed “messiahs” ready to sacrifice themselves in order to vindicate, save their people, -we call them “terrorists” they call them…-;
C- That there may be a correlation between A and B;
D- That ignoring such possible correlation won’t solve the problem but it can make worse.
E- That ALL people are people with mothers, children, and sentiments.
All that analysis is invalid, is half-a-truth, because it ignores the possible connection between the possible sentiments of the London Muslims perpetrators and the almost daily carnage of Muslims in the Holy Land which is also chronically ignored by the MSM.
Sorry I goofed with the numbers. It was not intentional. However if we continue with the wars and inflation we may eventually arrive to the 4 million per person mark.
"Graduates go out into the world with $150k debt.", that's is peanuts professor: If you divide the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wards ( $ 2 Tr, - 2 plus 12 zeroes-) by the number of people in the USA ( 500,000) every person in the USA would have 4 million dollars!
"Trying to understand global contemporary history is my own way of dealing with its tragedy." Good. It's a must way to approximate the answer and achieve peace. Unfortunately the MSM does not go for analysis, it only goes for circus and war.
The investigation of Russia’s influence in the administration of the USA is a shameful farce: If Congress wants to be serious about foreign powers messing with the administration of our Country, Congress should investigate ALL suspicious foreign powers. Such investigators should subpoena people like Juan Cole, N. Chomsky.
"Trump is not fit to be president, as a matter of temperament. But his temperament was on full display before the American public and they voted for him anyway, so those voters deserve him.": Trump is the mirror's image of the ( MSM's manufactured) dumb American public. Solution: Break the MSM monopoly.
"The Palestinian people remain divided" so is the rest of the Muslin world: A fantastic achievement of the imperialists to facilitate the conquer of land, money and minds. It looks as if the use of false flags has been very successful, and cheap, getting the divided sides to fight and kill each other.
"So which would be more humiliating? For us to hear the charge, or for it to be true?": to hear the charge because the USA politician continue to ignore who "controls domestic politics in the USA" and now are barking at the wrong tree: that's pathetic.
" It is time for the American public to realize it is being taken for a ride. " Not so: Not unlike Nazi Germany, the American public is subjected to the massive brain washing propaganda of the MSM monopoly that manufactures "popular consent" and keeps away dissent.
If President Trump was really tough he would brake the MSM monopoly to allow true political discourse in the Republic.
Very well said, but not well heard: The six-corporation-pro-war-monopoly USA MSM won’t publish it. Nor would it publish another distinguished professor, linguistic Chomsky, who demonstrates how the MSM “manufactures” news and commentaries to make believe that the public is, a-well informed and b-that the public supports the forces that control the USA government; all of which is plain political propaganda.
A free press, free political speech, is the only salvation for the Republic. Public demonstrations may be a good tool to achieve it.
The Guardian reports there is slave trade in present day Libya; Russia knows that if it lets Syria go the imperialists will eventually have slave trade in the whole ME and beyond, including Russia. This is very serious business because the Russian may also think "give me liberty or give me death."
Don't get distracted by James Bond, Fleming, Trump or Clinton's juvenile antiques, the issue is whether the USA is going to attack Russia, so we all die distracted.
The bad news is that the MSM stands for Madison Social Management and that he rest of the media is more or less terrorized. The good news is that everyone knows it: The Emperor's New Clothes tragic-comedy.
" But this activity assumes that there is a reality to the Trump candidacy": True; But not as true as the fact that there is no reality in the USA politics. It's all Alice in the Wonderlands, no elephant in the room.
Trump's surrealism is an almost perfect caricature of the USA's surrealism in the ME. The main difference is that Trump hasn't spent 5 trillion dollars killing people and destroying property in the ME.
Forget about the MSM, it's shameless.
As to candidates, the central issue is the Hole (read war): Clinton (Foreign agent?) goes for more digging; Trump (American buffoon?) wana stop the digging.
The rest is MSM created trivia to divert the attention from the central issue: war/peace.
" Sec. Clinton’s team are already talking about taking steps to remove Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad from office as soon as they get into the White House." This type of bulling is not in the National interest. The other candidate is less bad.
The tragedy here is that Juan Cole has to go to the BBC to learn about these very significant political points. Where is the American press? It is Just "suppressing" what may be obvious to the American public and in so doing giving Trump more credibility about "control"?
Being “nice” to the Muslim people won’t hurt. But the issue is: insulting, desecrating, killing the Muslim people.
There is always a reason for human behavior. In order to know the reason one has to look at the thing.
Our politicians refuse to look at things that may be inconvenient to them. No even with the help of many well qualified, courageous American political critics such as Juan Cole, do our politicians look at things. Neither our politicians nor the USA’s MSM recognize those critics, willfully.
The increase of police action plus the suppression of political discourse is a sure formula to tragedy. Who profits from it? The answer is somewhere. Our leaders better get the courage to look at it before the world get even more on fire.
The "religious hostilities" in the ME is the byproduct of a false flag operation to destabilize the ME. Just about nobody in the USA had heard of Sunnis or Shiites 50 years ago
Sorry Professor: Too much talk about Trump. He is just a caricature of most American politicians.
So far he’s only talk.
The other are the doers" They have been instrumental in the actual destabilization and killing of millions of Muslims in the last 15 years.
“In a system like that, the president isn’t really the president– the Deep State does as it pleases.”
Dah…, it has been that way for decades: The president is a dressed up viceroy appointed and closely supervised by the head of the Deep State.
I agree with your assessment. As in chess, at times you lose pieces to win the game.
If Obama wants to be really serious about getting rid of atomic weapons he should name all the countries that have atomic bombs and how many of them.
The biggest “hypocrisy factor”, (hypocrisy meaning: partial, incomplete, half-truth critic), whether Cameron’s or most critics of Donald Trump, is their failure to acknowledge that Trump, as well as Bernie Sanders, has distance himself from some contemporaneous policies of the State of Israel; that is an outstanding, unique political public announcement in American.
That’s news.
The elephant-in-the –room’s hypocriticals, go ballistic on every aspect of Trump’s antics, possibly as a means to convince themselves that they are observant, virtuous.
"They (Palestinians), are a stateless people because they are unrecognized; ..."
What about: Palestinians are stateless because they have guns pointing/shooting at them.
Too much talk about the messenger, Donald Trump, hardly any talk about the message: us. Nobody seems to pick on Chomsky, whose message may not be too different from Trump's, save the language.
Political commentators should concentrate more on the reason why Trump is so popular. A possible reason is that he, and Sanders, has not shown signs of treason.
Good for Rebecca Vilkomerson.
Senator’s Sanders look warm critique to Israel, stands in contradiction to other pronouncements by him, on human issues, which he always does with gusto, soul and pepper.
Is he patronizing Israel?
Trump is a political satirist that is flashing out what the corrupted establishment refuses to acknowledge: a-The very costly USA foreign policy has not been for the national interest; b-That policy has ruined the USA, financially and morally.
Our political representatives' ongoing abrogation of USA sovereignty if worse that anything Trump is saying.
Leave the clown alone, concentrate in regaining our soul.
Missing from the list are the death caused by States’ terrorism, commonly announced as “war” by the propaganda media that call itself “journalism”.
The bulk of USA journalism, the Fourth Estate or forth power, is no longer independent. It has become a very sophisticated propaganda machine in line of what the BBC demonstrates in its very didactic series “The Century of the Self”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s
Thank you Professor Cole.
That is a great, surreal travesty for Israel and its politicians and its a greater surreal travesty for the USA and its politicians who close the eyes to it and continue to portray Israel as a great democracy. By moral comparison Donald Trump smells like a rose.
"On this issue, Donald Trump, who is generally certifiable, is actually much less crazy than Graham."
That issue, WAR, is the biggest issue. Because of that I support Trump. He is the less bad of all candidates. Trump's silly talk may qualify as political gimmick to be in tune with the majority of enraged Americans that do not want another war.
The American people are not "ignorant"; they are slow, patient, in processing and expressing the awareness of treason. Donald Tramp, in all his madness, may be their speaker.
Right: "No American politician can call Israeli policy what it is, colonization, for fear of vicious reprisals by the bullies in the Israel lobbies" : "vicious reprisal" means loosing the seat in Congress or elsewhere. So: American politicians work for their own personal benefit rather than for the public they are supposed to represent. No wander the Flint (s) Mi .
More money for "Israel security"? What about more money for clean drinking water in Flint, Michigan so people don't died?
We are all Flint Michigan, sick to the stomach, dying, literately and otherwise.
The second amendment is not abolished because firearms are omnipotence props to juvenile mentality. The sooner we mature the greater the chances of saving the USA and stop harming folks abroad.
"American journalists always spoke of American allies but of Soviet satellites“, the "always" reminds me of Solzhenitsyn's remark about the American press: It is good but it is always the same.
Most MSM "journalists" are glorified typists.
This is very different from what I see at CNN: Shame on CNN for excluding Professor Cole's very respectable perspective. The MSM's first priority is to block dissent.
Soldiers should search their soul before they execute the shoot order.
Horrendous ME events like this, won't happen without the cougar collaboration of the USA Congress.
No more wars please. No more display of weapons either.
Trump is trying to remove his leash: good luck Mr P.
Bravo ron, bravo Juan
"In the view of many professional psychologists and psychiatrists, Trump is not merely a bully, a showman, and a liar; he is more likely a mentally impaired individual who is impulsive, aggressive, and relentlessly driven to manipulate and blame others." This is a silly statement not fit to print at Informed Comment: the so called "mental illness" has no place in the political process: Congress, this is us, the people, can remove president Trump from office any time. How come we don't do it? Is that because we are "mentally ill"? (pardon the sarcasm, it's so tempting in light of that statement).
It's a shame that ABC, NBC, CBS and other do not mention the case; the Israel press does it
The MSM is the worst, damasking, corruption in the USA.
No "nation of Wakanda " or any other Black Progress until the the unmarked graves are properly marked.
Thanks for the reminder: as nation we settle international grudges by shooting, not by talking talking, which we call it "justice". When the shooting is domestic we call it "mental Illness". We gota find the compass soon.
" But one should also add Main Stream Media editors. As far as I can see, reporters in general seem to do a pretty good job, but it is the editors who decide which stories get published and which are omitted or watered down. " : Eichmann defense.
What Trump is now doing is exactly what the US MSM has been doing for years: Blocking the opposition's story. That's how propaganda works best, (of you have the power to impose the blocking).
Who profits from all these wars?, certainly not the USA.
To my knowledge all MSM “journalists” are corrupted typists: I never heard a MSM “journalist” in an open discussion with a politician or anyone else on the alleged atomic power of the State of Israel, a central issue in the ME and in the survival of the Human and other species.
I am cancelling my subscription to Facebook.
What else? The neo-con's idea has been to de-stabilize and eventually balkanize Iran. Fif-columns and false flags are the main tools in their conquering enterprise.
Excellent analysis, thanks.
Also consider that the Turks are trying to protect the national integrity from international forces that may be using the Kurds to destabilize Turkey.
" So Trump is helping make Iran a leader of the Muslim world. Good job." If that also means he is helping to unite the Muslim world, Trump's job is monumental
No "centuries", the world moves much faster these days.
And then, religious fanaticism, intolerance and hate can be cultivated by the wolf-conqueror.
Al Jaseera today: "Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from Lebanon's capital Beirut, said Hariri's children had not accompanied him on the trip to Paris and that could "raise a lot of questions".
From President Trump: “We dominate the sky, we dominate the sea, we dominate the land and space,”
To President Trump: What about dominating the killing epidemic in the USA?
PS: President Trump, please stop fooling around the world and come back to mind the USA.
Excellent review, thanks, hope the NYT/CNN notice it.
All agents of foreign nations should be investigated, not just those that do business with Russia.
"Third rail" is a short for controlled press.
The Puerto Rico leadership should consult with the Cuba leadership on what is the best way to relate with the USA leadership.
"... works just fine — for the corporate executives who run it." It also works fine for Members of Congress; that is one of the reasons why they work so hard to keep their seats,
It's worth noticing that Cuba, an independent country also badly hit by hurricane Irma, is just about back to normal life.
The controlled MSM make it impossible to understand the growing social unrest in the Country.
Trump is now a full time viceroy.
The problem is (corrupted) Congress that continues to support Trump as the President of the USA.
Congress must fire President Trump now: He endangers our lives.
De-monopolization of the press, that's the solution.
The “buffoons” is not just Trump and co, it’s all of us that live in denial of personal responsibility: personhood. By conveniently accepting the official psychiatry/state’s mental illness capricious dictum epitomized by the insanity defense, we continue to attribute personal moral agency to the brain: The-brain-made-me-do-it.
The consequences of the denial are the slow extinction of the human race and many other living organism.
The MSM is trying to terrorize Gov. Dayton for being "politically incorrect." That's how the MSM functions: It suppresses descent and hits hard if you get out-of-line.
To my knowledge there is no investigation on it which suggest suppression of evidence.
The 25,000 people were “mostly poor, urban and hopeless.” Were they hired to help to destabilize Syria? If so who financed the operation?
Who financed the 25,000 young men operation?
Professor Cole, did write “diagnosis”; that is medicine which means biology, determinism.
Now you write “truly insane” and “impulses” connoting determined behavior. These are capricious labels, dictums that have no medical substance. They are smaller variants of the insanity defense.
They are imposed on people tyrannically by institutional psychiatry supported by the government. They dehumanize, demoralize people. A tragic national farce.
Donald Tramp, -this is so because I say so and I am the USA Commander in Chief-, may have been elected because he is Mr. farce-in-chief.
Prof. Cole, please do not mess with serious matters:
Tyrannical and sadistic behaviors are NOT medical - biologically determined - conditions, they are - voluntary, moral - human behaviors subjected to legal/political assessment.
Do not even suggest that the President may be excused of objectionable/illegal behavior because he has a psychiatric illness.
"Or for his agents in AIPAC on the Hill to try to turn America into Saudi Arabia, either." The Hill has been a joke for a long time.
It would be intelligent to compare the political influence on the USA of the head of state of Russia with that of the head of the state of Israel who spoke to the whole USA Congress politically.
The problem with the MSM is not with what is says or propagandizes, the problem is that the six media corporations keep away dissent. We have free competitive market but we don't have free competitive speech.
When it comes to free speech - and other things - D. Trump may qualify as a brutal satirist disguised as a clown, as a caricature. Trump satirizes the elected officials, just about all of them who, rightly so, are scare to death to discuss certain subjects, while they look and act as if they are free.
We seem to be blind to the facts: Trump is the messenger, the message is us. We are living a farce to be epitomized tomorrow when the Declaration of Independence is read in public.
From the perspective of the Muslin people there is no difference between the two actions because the ultimate goal in Iraq and elsewhere is to do away with Islam.
Qui bono ?
The information we get from the MSM about what appears to be a dangerous mess in the Trump Administration is a mirror imagen of the confused, dull estate of mind of the American Public which is caused by the suppression of free political speech. There are dozens if not hundreds brilliant political thinkers in the USA that are kept out of the open discourse because their ideas are “unacceptable” to the rulers that control the press and the stick.
There is a way to stop the downhill course of our country: allow Juan Cole and many others in the 10 o’clock news, as a starter.
Too much talk about Trump and security while ignoring:
A- That the people in Muslim world believe that the West wants to destabilize, divide and destroy Islam, a belief that is supported by the West’s multiple military attacks to Muslin countries in the last 15 years;
B- That all nations or ethnic groups have self-proclaimed “messiahs” ready to sacrifice themselves in order to vindicate, save their people, -we call them “terrorists” they call them…-;
C- That there may be a correlation between A and B;
D- That ignoring such possible correlation won’t solve the problem but it can make worse.
E- That ALL people are people with mothers, children, and sentiments.
"One important factor...", that is the most important factor by far. The MSM manufactures the "facts."
All that analysis is invalid, is half-a-truth, because it ignores the possible connection between the possible sentiments of the London Muslims perpetrators and the almost daily carnage of Muslims in the Holy Land which is also chronically ignored by the MSM.
Sorry I goofed with the numbers. It was not intentional. However if we continue with the wars and inflation we may eventually arrive to the 4 million per person mark.
"Graduates go out into the world with $150k debt.", that's is peanuts professor: If you divide the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wards ( $ 2 Tr, - 2 plus 12 zeroes-) by the number of people in the USA ( 500,000) every person in the USA would have 4 million dollars!
"Trying to understand global contemporary history is my own way of dealing with its tragedy." Good. It's a must way to approximate the answer and achieve peace. Unfortunately the MSM does not go for analysis, it only goes for circus and war.
Good observations alec, thanks.
The investigation of Russia’s influence in the administration of the USA is a shameful farce: If Congress wants to be serious about foreign powers messing with the administration of our Country, Congress should investigate ALL suspicious foreign powers. Such investigators should subpoena people like Juan Cole, N. Chomsky.
"Trump is not fit to be president, as a matter of temperament. But his temperament was on full display before the American public and they voted for him anyway, so those voters deserve him.": Trump is the mirror's image of the ( MSM's manufactured) dumb American public. Solution: Break the MSM monopoly.
"The Palestinian people remain divided" so is the rest of the Muslin world: A fantastic achievement of the imperialists to facilitate the conquer of land, money and minds. It looks as if the use of false flags has been very successful, and cheap, getting the divided sides to fight and kill each other.
Dear quax, what would "enlighten" us is free press, press without untouchables,
"So which would be more humiliating? For us to hear the charge, or for it to be true?": to hear the charge because the USA politician continue to ignore who "controls domestic politics in the USA" and now are barking at the wrong tree: that's pathetic.
" It is time for the American public to realize it is being taken for a ride. " Not so: Not unlike Nazi Germany, the American public is subjected to the massive brain washing propaganda of the MSM monopoly that manufactures "popular consent" and keeps away dissent.
If President Trump was really tough he would brake the MSM monopoly to allow true political discourse in the Republic.
Very well said, but not well heard: The six-corporation-pro-war-monopoly USA MSM won’t publish it. Nor would it publish another distinguished professor, linguistic Chomsky, who demonstrates how the MSM “manufactures” news and commentaries to make believe that the public is, a-well informed and b-that the public supports the forces that control the USA government; all of which is plain political propaganda.
A free press, free political speech, is the only salvation for the Republic. Public demonstrations may be a good tool to achieve it.
The Guardian reports there is slave trade in present day Libya; Russia knows that if it lets Syria go the imperialists will eventually have slave trade in the whole ME and beyond, including Russia. This is very serious business because the Russian may also think "give me liberty or give me death."
Fascinating analysis pointing at the existence of the "Deep State".
And then there is anti-anti-semitism.
But, who owns H. Clinton?
Trump is taking in tongues.
Nor is there any discussion about Russia,whether to bomb it or not, atomic bombs included.
Beautiful !!!, thanks.
Don't get distracted by James Bond, Fleming, Trump or Clinton's juvenile antiques, the issue is whether the USA is going to attack Russia, so we all die distracted.
The bad news is that the MSM stands for Madison Social Management and that he rest of the media is more or less terrorized. The good news is that everyone knows it: The Emperor's New Clothes tragic-comedy.
" He played a sinister role in proliferating nuclear arms to Israel."...read: Father of Israel's atomic bomb.
" But this activity assumes that there is a reality to the Trump candidacy": True; But not as true as the fact that there is no reality in the USA politics. It's all Alice in the Wonderlands, no elephant in the room.
"who (Trump) says we ought to murder families of terrorists," This is what the USA has been doing!
Trump's surrealism is an almost perfect caricature of the USA's surrealism in the ME. The main difference is that Trump hasn't spent 5 trillion dollars killing people and destroying property in the ME.
Forget about the MSM, it's shameless.
As to candidates, the central issue is the Hole (read war): Clinton (Foreign agent?) goes for more digging; Trump (American buffoon?) wana stop the digging.
The rest is MSM created trivia to divert the attention from the central issue: war/peace.
let's also celebrate Juan Cole, a renewable energy promotion worker, par excellence.
The exclusion of the elephant card makes this piece tantamount to political disinformation.
" Sec. Clinton’s team are already talking about taking steps to remove Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad from office as soon as they get into the White House." This type of bulling is not in the National interest. The other candidate is less bad.
No more wars, that's id Trump's appeal.
This is a genocide in progress, willfully ignored by the MSM.
Hillary Clinton means more wars, Donald Trumps doesn't. War is the worst program.
"...you marvel at the combination of intellect and deep ethical insight of this man." Amen brother.
If you exclude the King piece-who has atomic bombs in the ME-the chess game is empty- ME talk-game.
The tragedy here is that Juan Cole has to go to the BBC to learn about these very significant political points. Where is the American press? It is Just "suppressing" what may be obvious to the American public and in so doing giving Trump more credibility about "control"?
Erdogan spoke, the people responded: that's democracy at best.
The word overpowered the mighty gun...with the help of modern technology: there is hope for the world.
Being “nice” to the Muslim people won’t hurt. But the issue is: insulting, desecrating, killing the Muslim people.
There is always a reason for human behavior. In order to know the reason one has to look at the thing.
Our politicians refuse to look at things that may be inconvenient to them. No even with the help of many well qualified, courageous American political critics such as Juan Cole, do our politicians look at things. Neither our politicians nor the USA’s MSM recognize those critics, willfully.
The increase of police action plus the suppression of political discourse is a sure formula to tragedy. Who profits from it? The answer is somewhere. Our leaders better get the courage to look at it before the world get even more on fire.
The "religious hostilities" in the ME is the byproduct of a false flag operation to destabilize the ME. Just about nobody in the USA had heard of Sunnis or Shiites 50 years ago
Sorry Professor: Too much talk about Trump. He is just a caricature of most American politicians.
So far he’s only talk.
The other are the doers" They have been instrumental in the actual destabilization and killing of millions of Muslims in the last 15 years.
Trump's bad talk on Muslims is peanuts in comparison with our leaders' very bad actions on Muslims.
Professor: Boycott, is one of the forms of non-violent, silent speech, Gandhi style, available to the underdog.
Powerful, thaanks.
The only difference between Andrew Coumo and Donald Trump's bizarre pronunciations is that Coumo has the (abused) power to enforce them.
“In a system like that, the president isn’t really the president– the Deep State does as it pleases.”
Dah…, it has been that way for decades: The president is a dressed up viceroy appointed and closely supervised by the head of the Deep State.
I agree with your assessment. As in chess, at times you lose pieces to win the game.
If Obama wants to be really serious about getting rid of atomic weapons he should name all the countries that have atomic bombs and how many of them.
The biggest “hypocrisy factor”, (hypocrisy meaning: partial, incomplete, half-truth critic), whether Cameron’s or most critics of Donald Trump, is their failure to acknowledge that Trump, as well as Bernie Sanders, has distance himself from some contemporaneous policies of the State of Israel; that is an outstanding, unique political public announcement in American.
That’s news.
The elephant-in-the –room’s hypocriticals, go ballistic on every aspect of Trump’s antics, possibly as a means to convince themselves that they are observant, virtuous.
"They (Palestinians), are a stateless people because they are unrecognized; ..."
What about: Palestinians are stateless because they have guns pointing/shooting at them.
Too much talk about the messenger, Donald Trump, hardly any talk about the message: us. Nobody seems to pick on Chomsky, whose message may not be too different from Trump's, save the language.
Political commentators should concentrate more on the reason why Trump is so popular. A possible reason is that he, and Sanders, has not shown signs of treason.
Good for Rebecca Vilkomerson.
Senator’s Sanders look warm critique to Israel, stands in contradiction to other pronouncements by him, on human issues, which he always does with gusto, soul and pepper.
Is he patronizing Israel?
Electing Sanders as USA President may be good for the USA and for Judaism.
Trump is a political satirist that is flashing out what the corrupted establishment refuses to acknowledge: a-The very costly USA foreign policy has not been for the national interest; b-That policy has ruined the USA, financially and morally.
Our political representatives' ongoing abrogation of USA sovereignty if worse that anything Trump is saying.
Leave the clown alone, concentrate in regaining our soul.
Missing from the list are the death caused by States’ terrorism, commonly announced as “war” by the propaganda media that call itself “journalism”.
The bulk of USA journalism, the Fourth Estate or forth power, is no longer independent. It has become a very sophisticated propaganda machine in line of what the BBC demonstrates in its very didactic series “The Century of the Self”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s
Whereas Donald Trump embarrassed AIPAC with his political satire, Hillary Clinton did it with her hypocrisy.
Hope that Bernie Sanders prevails.
Trump may be more for the American interest than all other candidates.
Thank you Professor Cole.
That is a great, surreal travesty for Israel and its politicians and its a greater surreal travesty for the USA and its politicians who close the eyes to it and continue to portray Israel as a great democracy. By moral comparison Donald Trump smells like a rose.
"(Netanyahu) declined a White House dinner invitation." This is a very strange turn in USA politics, perhaps more strange that the Trump phenomena.
"On this issue, Donald Trump, who is generally certifiable, is actually much less crazy than Graham."
That issue, WAR, is the biggest issue. Because of that I support Trump. He is the less bad of all candidates. Trump's silly talk may qualify as political gimmick to be in tune with the majority of enraged Americans that do not want another war.
"Nor has *anyone in the media asked or debated what it means*!". Right: The elephant, the emperor's new clothes. The willful blindness is pandemic.
Sorry Larry, name-calling does not work any more. The people are not ignorant, they want their country back.
The question is: why dothe people go for Trump? Is he convening the need to regain sovereignty to the USA?
The American people are not "ignorant"; they are slow, patient, in processing and expressing the awareness of treason. Donald Tramp, in all his madness, may be their speaker.
Well put Dr. C.,thanks.
GWB is a soulless entity, that's why he speaks that way, that's why he tampered with the sovereignty of our country.
These bully, irresponsible politicians resemble gang members, or vice-verse.
Right: "No American politician can call Israeli policy what it is, colonization, for fear of vicious reprisals by the bullies in the Israel lobbies" : "vicious reprisal" means loosing the seat in Congress or elsewhere. So: American politicians work for their own personal benefit rather than for the public they are supposed to represent. No wander the Flint (s) Mi .
More money for "Israel security"? What about more money for clean drinking water in Flint, Michigan so people don't died?
We are all Flint Michigan, sick to the stomach, dying, literately and otherwise.
Most Israel citizens - and diaspora Jews - are serious people.
Right, on the atomic issue, Netanyahu acts lite a pathetic buffoon, a disservice to Israel.
The second amendment is not abolished because firearms are omnipotence props to juvenile mentality. The sooner we mature the greater the chances of saving the USA and stop harming folks abroad.