if we let "dark money" into the electoral process, yes we may have or let foreign entities or goverments interfere in the political process.
I was in Miam
i for several days before the election, and was amazed at the amount of political advertisment between Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump.; something that we do not see in south Texas since most of the time this area votes democrat. I do think that well managed advertisement, together with a lot of dark money got Mr. Trump elected, more than the intervention of foreign nationals.
9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia (15) 2 from UAE, and one each from Egypt and Lebanon. None from Afghanistan.
It is time to face reality, the Afghan people does not have any thing to do with this ordeal. It is sad not to recognize that we are killing and hurting inoccent people, while we do let enter our country people from the countries that did damage us in 9/11
For China, Iran, North Korea and many problems with other countries, we do need intelligent and expert diplomats to handle all these situations. Ofensive military confrontations will not work. Even though Mr. Tillerson is a very intelligent man, He needs good and knowledgeable advisers to solve and get good results from the much needed negotiations.
Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and lately Afghanistan, Irak and Syria "results" tell us that military confrontation is not the solution.
what is needed is more public awareness to the climatic problem. Apparently all advertising done is in order to consume more fossil fuels. Big pick up trucks, big engine cars, more windows at new homes; all in order to increase your carbon print. What is needed is less not more utilization of fossil fuels. The problem is all of us, not only the governments.
In Mexico city, its Congress bought several toyota prius for its members in order to consume less fuel and help with its terrible contamination. They are not used because the congressmen want to be driven back and forth to work in suburbans. That does not help at all. And watching t.v. you never see an hybrid car around the U S Congress but only big cars, suburbans, and painted black
militarily speaking, why would you use a chemical device on a warehouse. wouldn't you use it on an enemy neighborhood, mosque, plaza, etc where people congregate if you want to inflict damage. Let an investigation take its course and find the real truth about this incident. Do not judge without it.
there is an article in the Atlantic about a Pleistocene park that is being created in Siberia to bring back and restore the Mammoth ecosystem in the grasslands below the artic circle. Rather interesting since it deals with the problem to maintain the permafrost frozen becuse if it thaws we are in big, big trouble.
we took the three radar stations in Yemen in order to protect the sea lanes. The reason about the attack, questionable, I still remember the golf of tonkin
most of the republicans voted for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is going on in the middle east, Libya and Europe is their creation, including Ms. Clinton. We need to get out of there fast. Apparently Mr. Obama will not get us out. We need a leader that get us out of there now. We are not going to impose our system of government on them.
it is not sunni insurgency that will keep the struggle going, It is the financing support from the oil sunni gulf states that are keeping the flame going. Once you stop the financing, the insurgency is over.
if we let "dark money" into the electoral process, yes we may have or let foreign entities or goverments interfere in the political process.
I was in Miam
i for several days before the election, and was amazed at the amount of political advertisment between Ms. Clinton and Mr. Trump.; something that we do not see in south Texas since most of the time this area votes democrat. I do think that well managed advertisement, together with a lot of dark money got Mr. Trump elected, more than the intervention of foreign nationals.
9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia (15) 2 from UAE, and one each from Egypt and Lebanon. None from Afghanistan.
It is time to face reality, the Afghan people does not have any thing to do with this ordeal. It is sad not to recognize that we are killing and hurting inoccent people, while we do let enter our country people from the countries that did damage us in 9/11
For China, Iran, North Korea and many problems with other countries, we do need intelligent and expert diplomats to handle all these situations. Ofensive military confrontations will not work. Even though Mr. Tillerson is a very intelligent man, He needs good and knowledgeable advisers to solve and get good results from the much needed negotiations.
Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, and lately Afghanistan, Irak and Syria "results" tell us that military confrontation is not the solution.
Secretary of State Mr. Rex W Tillerson said that our policy towards Iran would be regime change; maybe this is the beginning of this ordeal.
what is needed is more public awareness to the climatic problem. Apparently all advertising done is in order to consume more fossil fuels. Big pick up trucks, big engine cars, more windows at new homes; all in order to increase your carbon print. What is needed is less not more utilization of fossil fuels. The problem is all of us, not only the governments.
In Mexico city, its Congress bought several toyota prius for its members in order to consume less fuel and help with its terrible contamination. They are not used because the congressmen want to be driven back and forth to work in suburbans. That does not help at all. And watching t.v. you never see an hybrid car around the U S Congress but only big cars, suburbans, and painted black
Goebbeles, minister of propaganda under Hitler said that the best truth is the half truth; now we do have alternative facts
militarily speaking, why would you use a chemical device on a warehouse. wouldn't you use it on an enemy neighborhood, mosque, plaza, etc where people congregate if you want to inflict damage. Let an investigation take its course and find the real truth about this incident. Do not judge without it.
there is an article in the Atlantic about a Pleistocene park that is being created in Siberia to bring back and restore the Mammoth ecosystem in the grasslands below the artic circle. Rather interesting since it deals with the problem to maintain the permafrost frozen becuse if it thaws we are in big, big trouble.
we took the three radar stations in Yemen in order to protect the sea lanes. The reason about the attack, questionable, I still remember the golf of tonkin
most of the republicans voted for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. What is going on in the middle east, Libya and Europe is their creation, including Ms. Clinton. We need to get out of there fast. Apparently Mr. Obama will not get us out. We need a leader that get us out of there now. We are not going to impose our system of government on them.
it is not sunni insurgency that will keep the struggle going, It is the financing support from the oil sunni gulf states that are keeping the flame going. Once you stop the financing, the insurgency is over.