Allegations about Iran and al-Qaeda Here we go again. Okaz, the Saudi tabloid, alleged that Saif al-Adil al-Misri, a high al-Qaeda official, ordered the recent bombings in Saudi Arabia from Tehran. The allegations that Sayf al-Adl is in Iranian custody; that he is allowed by the Revolutionary Guards or the Quds Brigade to have a […]
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Archives for 2003
3 Us Soldiers Dead In Iraq Bodies
3 US soldiers Dead in Iraq, Bodies Looted Two US soldiers driving through Mosul were attacked and driven off the road, crashing their vehicle. Either their assailants or crowds of angry youths who gathered slit their throats. Then crowds gathered to loot their bodies and vehicle (which they tried to set on fire), shouting angry […]
Franks Broaches Military Dictatorship
Franks broaches Military Dictatorship Friends, the Republic is in real danger. It is not the UN black helicopters that threaten it, but elements of the United States officer corps. That is, if their thinking is in any way exemplified by Tommy Franks. Franks has speculated that in the wake of a major WMD attack, the […]
Police Stations Bombed Airplane Struck
Police Stations Bombed, Airplane struck by Missile Powerful carbombs exploded at police stations in Baquba and Khan Bani Saad, northeast of Baghdad, early Saturday morning. A DHL plane landed back at Baghdad airport with one of its engines on fire after it was hit by a surface to air missile on taking off. It was […]
Bomb Kills 4 Wounds 20 At Liquor Store
Bomb Kills 4, Wounds 20 at Liquor Store An assailant threw a bomb at liquor stores in south Baghdad on Friday, killing 4 persons and injuring 20 who happened to be in the street of the shopping district, according to officials of Yarmuk Hospital in the capital. One of the dead was an 11-year-old child. […]
Al Yawir Warns Of Lack Of Transparency
Al-Yawir warns of lack of Transparency in Elections Meanwhile, the leader of the Sunni Shimr tribe, Ghazi al-Yawir [Yawer] (a member of the Interim Governing Council), warned of large-scale protests at the secrecy surrounding the processes for electing the members of the new transitional council. He called for “A de facto end to the coccupation, […]
Muqtada Us Is Great Satan Radical Young
Muqtada: The US is the Great Satan The radical young Shiite leader Muqtada al-Sadr accused the American administration in Iraq of pressuring Friday prayers preachers to cease criticizing the occupation. He described the US as “the Great Satan,” and referred to the Baath regime as having been the “little satan.” Speaking before thousands at his […]
Mortar Round Lands Near Abdul Aziz Al
Mortar Round lands Near Abdul Aziz al-Hakim Australia’s reports that a dud mortar round landed near the mosque hosting preacher Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, leader of the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq and a member of the US-appointed Interim Governing Council. The bomb struck a wall about 100 yards from the mosque, breaking […]
Telecom Contracts Under Suspicion Of
Telecom contracts Under Suspicion of Graft The Financial Times says that the Pentagon is investigating the interim Iraqi minister of communications and two officials of the Coalition Provisional Authority concerning charges that they had taken bribes in granting licenses to build and operate mobile telephone networks in Iraq. The Orascom contract is the one under […]